The Future of Stash Tabs
"I think that is very valid criticism. I am not sure if GGG does that intentionally or it just happens (I really don't know). I mean, organs just scream for a tab but I don't think that was a major design goal in creating Metamorph, it just fits. But even if GGG does 1)-3) intentionally (pretty sure 3) is intentional), I could forgive that. Afterall they have to sell something to keep the lights on and they need to give some incentive to buy the stuff. I can live with these minor annyoances (they are not too disruptive imo). I might be biased, because I am the kind of player who never buys cosmetics but plays a sh** ton of PoE. Without new and interesting stash tabs I'd be only freeloading and GGG needs some money from players like me, too. I am happy to invest a little now and then to further pursue my hoarding and organizing addiction :) Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance.
- John Oliver Had a Chaos-DoT-Caster-guide for any class, then 2021 patches happened^^ |
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amazing, already bought new tabs as I was thinking it would be really great to have tab for oils etc and boom GGG brought them xD love u guys, ppl please support PoE as much you can :)
cheers |
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Or perhaps just add a... "sort by type" button to quad tab.
To the MF Windripper go the spoils
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" my's too easy GGGTencent.... you could even remove the harbinger slots from the premium-currency-tab and sell those people a harbinger-currency-premium-tab. “Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.” ― Christopher Hitchens My QoL List: Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on Jun 24, 2020, 5:21:07 AM
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The fact you can store 5000 of something into a single slot, compared to whatever arbitrary normal value of like 10-20, is the epitome of "unacceptable paying for convenience".
You have complete control on whether a currency arbitrarily stacks to any given value ....the fact there is even a discrepancy between them where they all don't stack to the same value is asinine. And then you go from 20 to 5000. A 12x12 grid of a currency in stacks of 20 is still half of what you get in 1 slot of a paid currency tab; and you have to micromanage hundreds of those stacks if you don't pay. Hundreds. For a single currency type. I don't see how any angle of cognitive dissonance could be used to tell players / consumers that this is not grossly appalling and scheming with greed / negligence in game development. And we won't even get into the absurdity of some of the various currency / fragments / etc. that don't stack normally at all ....which makes buying the ability to stack an item, that won't let you otherwise, completely unethical. |
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I hate ppl who hate, you have 100% free game that is so great and yet still you complain like "wait, wtf why are those GGG guys trying to make so money??!!! it cant be ! they cant make money from their hard work!!" really ppl gtfo with comments like that
have a nice day :) going to place some stuff in new tabs ! |
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I still own like 20 normal tabs Im not using since the advanced currency map and big tabs exist
Because previously you had to keep all your maps in normal tabs Id love to see a way to trade a few of the normal tabs for the big stash tab maybe 3 or 4 to 1 ratio as the many many normal tabs are becoming more useless for me at least |
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You're trying to make money out of mess that you made.
It leads to more mess. That's terrible design incentivizing more bad design calls. How exactly picking one type of currency/thing/thing gonna solve anything? Just please, imagine yourself dumping stuff from inventory for a second. To keep it simple - you got 2 differnet delirium orbs and 4 essences 3 of different types, and bunch of other types of currency, for instance. You can only pick one type of currency splinter or orb or whatever. How does that help? Just walk yourself through it, holy ****. It makes it even worse because you depend on autosort and you accidentaly drop stuff where it doesnt belong, because you assume it autosorts. /edit: I'm hoping I misunderstood what you wrote and it actually drops all types of currency/maps/stuff into designated tab. If that's the case, great, make it happen please. Not sure why you had to specify that it's "one" type of currency/maps/stuff like it matters - other points still stand. GGG, you're great, PoE #1... but goddamn, you're terrible with UX design. In fact you're so bad and refuse to learn so hard, that it makes me believe that you're doing it on purpose, becasue $$$. Want more money? Bring back the salvage boxes (yes I know it's unpopular af but at least it solved the issue which you refuse to provide solution for free). Make portraits and character model changes mtx. What the **** is taking so long? I get charater models, it takes a lot of time to rig and animate and stuff, but portraits? Why does it have to wait till 4.0? It's been years, ffs. About folders; there was a way better idea on reddit with sorting tabs, and it was to use free the top line above the tab line, as space for "pinned" tabs. You know how thats better? UX. You get to click once. Not open a ******* folder and then go to the tab you want, probably gonna make us close the folder as well. Thats 3 clicks vs 1. Here you are presenting your worse idea that should have been implemented a long time ago. I liked that you made space in currency tab for more fragments and stuff. It makes it coherent and compact. I don't like the idea of a new tab for each league beacuse it just stops working if you bloat it. On a sidenote, you're better off buing a premium tab and just dumping your delirium orbs there. Completely useless. It's not essences that you gotta sort through. You should have made an upgrade to currency tab and sell this instead, there is plenty of space there for all those fragments. UX. CONVENIENCE. You don't want it. You want to sell it. So don't pretend and advertise about the great changes you are thinking about maybe making sometime in the future, that's pure bullshit. Last edited by Razis#4500 on Jun 24, 2020, 7:35:01 AM
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If you guys need money to fund the game/staff, just do it on mtx. Don't bring stash tabs into this, we need better tabs, not more tabs.
GGG Best Game Developers
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This statement does nto adress the issue. Future QoL is not the problem.
The problem is: instead of fixing problems you created, you are now selling us the solutions. Why can't organs be stored in Tanes lab like seeds are stored in the Grove? Why are delirium splinters not stored in splinters tab? Why are blighted maps not searchable in the map-tab? Why are delirium orbs not considered to be currency and instead need their own tab? What has happened since Exilecon to make you go back on your word? Not addressing the actual issues is just going to make them fester. The last thing you want is a bitter and cynical community. This is too greedy. You must understand that. |