The Future of Stash Tabs
Sooooooo.... This is a "give us $5 each league or we'll fill your stash with cluttered crap" tax?
Is this the PoE equivalent of "do what I say or the dog gets it?" I'm not interested in buying league stash tabs ad infinitem. This is not a viable long term solution. Add league sub-tabs to the currency tab instead. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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Thanks for the candor, but doesn't really address the underlying issue.
And as you said they may be scrapped/canceled anyway. Address the stack size limits of 10,20,30,40 etc instead and we wouldn't even need these tabs. |
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Yeah no. This response misses the point that a lot of us are making. My issue isn't with organizing the new tabs, it's with the existence of the new tabs.
I expected the premium tabs I bought for Maps, Fragments, and Currency to hold and interact properly with all future: Maps, Fragments, and Currencies. This is now clearly not the case. GGG does not see this concern as valid and feels that whatever losses they may experience over this decision will be outweighed by the gains. That's a valid business decision and only time will tell if it works out for them. The odds of me being here to find out have definitely gone way down. Support a free Hong Kong.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -Galileo Galilei |
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" +1 “Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens My QoL List: |
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Just gonna say i always love and support these. The optional QoL return on investment here is amazing, and I get every stash tab that releases. Personal preference, I always get these over mtx. Happy to support my game of choice here in some small way, very glad to. Keep up the great work.
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Need a Prophecy Tab and more importantly, to be able to convert Premium tabs into Quad Tabs.
I have no idea how many premium tabs I have, let's just say 100, but I bought all these 100 premium tabs BEFORE ANY of the specialized tabs existed. And now that I have one of every specialized tab, except Quad, I literally have 50 unused premium tabs every league. With all of these unused premiums, plus the premiums I am using as dump tabs, I DO NOT need more storage space. What I need is to be able to convert all these premiums into Quads, to have the same storage space with 75% fewer tabs. Stash would be way more manageable. |
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"...we dont want to add a second currency tab". Simple, stop adding currencies into the game.
This is the major issue that POE has with regards to new leagues. Here is a new(or re-skinned league) with more splinters, fragments, currencies, items to pick up. Stop! The game is bloated as it is, and has been for years, with loot, currencies, shards, and random items. Its overwhelming and not necessary. Furthermore, with all of the loot and items that the game showers you with, you still miss the mark where it matters more: Boss loot. People should get something halfway decent for killing Kitava act 10. People should get something decent for killing conquerors(not some random rare that has random crap stats that I junk). I should get something better than I do for killing map bosses (like a guaranteed map drop from a tier higher or one that I do not already have...currently, half the time I nothing. Zero.) You pat yourselves on the back for your difficult and unique boss fight designs but fail to provide adequate loot for it. The only bosses that drop anything of significance are the absolute endgame bosses that most players never see (shaper, elder, uber elder, awakener). If you don't get to these bosses, farming loot from a boss is damn near impossible. I just finished my first playthrough of terarria. I LOVED the fact that I could go fight a boss over and over and farm out a specific item set because I knew exactly what the boss dropped and what the percentages were. I felt rewarded. I felt progressed. tldr; The game is too bloated with currencies, shards/fragments, and RNG items to make the player feel rewarded for their time spent and often its motivationally a game killer for me. Add on that you're direction with adding currencies directly impacts your cash shop...starting to lose the faith here Chris. |
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" Why allow you to "recycle" tabs, when GGG can sell you NEW tabs? Greed before players! It's a BUSINESS... Ironic how when the player base points out major game flaws, GGG is able to twist and pivot the issues to SELL more microtrans!!! Player - These PREMIUM tabs are getting out of hand... GGG - Well after you have spent hundreds of dollars (on OUR free game), we are making improvements you asked for! Now you will be able to nest&tree organize all your tabs. This will allow you to buy even more tabs! YOUR WELCOME!!! |
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" Another +1. Except for not being here. I will just refrain from continuous purchases and not support these new tabs as I already have the currency, fragment, map and all that + 1 quad. I don't need a stupid special tab for organs that don't really drop. Seriously, how hard is it to just make Blight MAPS be searchable in the MAPS TAB. Last edited by GenuineProdigy#2781 on Jun 24, 2020, 9:50:39 AM
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