3.11 - Stress-Free PoE! TRIGGER HAPPY: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End!

b4nehallow wrote:
Good day, Sir ! thx a lot for a build update !
Hey b4nehallow!

Good day! I'm glad I got the build out on time!

Thanks for the thanks!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Mardonius_Corvinus wrote:
Hi Wrecker,

I'm following the 3.10 version of this build, and I'm at level 92 at the moment.

I was curious why you decided not to path to the fortify node Rampart in this version. Rampart seems pretty useful to me, so I'm worried about losing it if I switch to this 3.11 version with my free respec when 3.11 starts.

I'd be interested in any comments you might have on this issue.
Hey Mardonius_Corvinus!

Thanks for still playing the build! Cutting Rampart was a hard choice. I decided a long time ago that if Cluster Jewels ever went core, that I'd HAVE to include at least one Cluster Jewel socket per guide. Unforutaly, the closest place for a Cluster Jewel with this build was 4 nodes away. The Rampart section was really one of the only places in the tree that wasn't "required". That branch was just damage for the most part. All other branches were either invested into Max Block Chance or Max Life. I used the leftover nodes to bring up the damage lost from losing Rampart the best I could. I really scoured over every single damage node on the tree and it ended up that the Rampart branch was the weakest (DPS per node (including travel nodes)).

It was a hard choice.

Let me know how the new build fares for you (besides removing Rampart, it's barely changed).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
rythmo wrote:
Hej Wrecker,

thank you for your Guides.
This guide seems to fit my needs of laidback ssf gameplay right in a middle of packs.
I'm excited to try it (:
Hey rythmo!

Awesome! I'm glad the guide/playstyle interest you! My playstyle is similar. I love PoE so much more when I don't have to stress about anything...except RNG curses ;).

Thanks for the thanks and encouragement! I appreciate it! Let me know how things progress.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Thanks everyone! I won't be back before league launch! Good luck and thanks for all the kind messages!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Good day sir.
Thank you for your buid.

As a casual player returning after 1,5 year brake i found it and i like idea od 1-2 button bulids.

Sorry for stupid question but can i replace Bladestorm with Cyclone like in 3.10 version?
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Shuglin wrote:
Thank you for your guide. I am eager to try it as my starter in SSF. Didn't you want to include Ice Crash instead of Bladestorm or did I misinterprete the discussion in the podcast?
Hey Shuglin!

Thanks for your thanks! I'm really eager to play this when 3.11 is released on console. I'm excited for the new warcry!

Ya, I really want Ice Crash to be here...BUT I need to play with the new version of the skill before applying it to a guide. Plus, even though I have an Ice Crash crush, Bladestorm is perfect here.

I'll likely do lots of Ice Crash testing this league and see if it's worth the switch for the guide.

Thanks for the thanks and the post! Let me know how the build goes.

Hello Wrecker_Of_Days thank you for your answer and the time you take to appreciate each and every post. This is very noticeable and shows how much you care about the community. I think I can only say thank you on behalf of everyone here.

I didn't want to criticize Bladestorm with this suggestion, but I was so taken with the new look of Ice Crash that I would have loved to start with it. Maybe this is something for a Twink. ;-)

Since you are not playing seasons, I wish you a lot of fun with the cluster jewels, which are new for you!
Man, your build very interested me. Didn't play the game for 1.5 years and looked for builds to start the league. I should to tell that your guide is very friendly and written with humor and looks very fun. Will try it on SFF. Thank you for guide!
Played a version for several seasons.

Cut out Tempest Shield Culling strike berserk

One of the gems I used in place was a Dread Banner. Is that a good option? Have you tried using one? Later on its not a mana problem. Also thinking how to replace it with Purity but that 25% reserve would be killer without a skill to reduce cost or additional passives increase mana

Also just noticed the Passive "Glancing Blows" did you consider reaching it?

Last edited by Yipp#2579 on Jun 19, 2020, 6:12:38 PM
I also decided to play this skill cos i wanted a skill i never used b4 and found ur guide.Is goin straight to RT with some life nodes on the way is good idea or taking shield block nodes 1st is a prio?
Desperation wrote:
I also decided to play this skill cos i wanted a skill i never used b4 and found ur guide.Is goin straight to RT with some life nodes on the way is good idea or taking shield block nodes 1st is a prio?

Going straight to RT is the choice I make as it gives you a lot more equipment flexibility. Life is better than block early on, until we get enough of it & get our reactive skills leveled..... or that is at least how I view it

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