Harvest Boss Kill Event - What You Need To Know

So basically people who work have no chance. That's nice.....
Not gonna be me then with my full time job :D
too bad idgaf about SSF
IKuroitenshi wrote:
I new in the game so, can you use buffs or exp bonus in Hardcode? if you can this is to much pay to win...

There are no purchasable items to boost your experience gain or any other attribute in the store! Stash tabs are helpful to buy - it's a huge quality of life increase. Premium stash tabs are needed to sell items on different trade site by GGG's trade API, but not needed in Solo Self-Found leagues.
This final boss doesn't require irrigation, but does require a high number of growth cycles in red maps. (If you fail to defeat it, then it'll occur again after you have harvested enough monsters from red maps. This is a cumulative value, not RNG-driven.)

Man this is so FUCKING AWESOME.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
I wonder who's gonna be the first to encounter and the first one to beat the Harvest boss in HCSSF. Bet there will be lots of highlights, nice campaign from GGG and Alienware.
frostzor27 wrote:
This final boss doesn't require irrigation, but does require a high number of growth cycles in red maps. (If you fail to defeat it, then it'll occur again after you have harvested enough monsters from red maps. This is a cumulative value, not RNG-driven.)

Man this is so FUCKING AWESOME.

Agreed x 1000
~ I have selective hearing, and today, you have not been selected.
aefoa wrote:
I wonder who's gonna be the first to encounter and the first one to beat the Harvest boss in HCSSF. Bet there will be lots of highlights, nice campaign from GGG and Alienware.

My bet is on Steelmage
~ I have selective hearing, and today, you have not been selected.
a_k_a wrote:
too bad idgaf about SSF

Don't fret, it's pretty low chance to win I figure.
I'm glad you include console on this event, thank you guys.

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