Please, i need a op-out from "copying tab name from parent league"

SirGuySW wrote:
Pre-league bump. Please allow players to setup stash templates via web or something or at the least opt-out of this 'intended bug' that results in our league stash getting scrambled.
I think GGG should follow this request. Unfortunately, it is a QoL enhancement, which is 1 strike against it (from the GGG perspective). It is a QoL enhancement for folks that haven't spent lots of MTX on stash tabs, which counts as 2 strikes against it. Sorry

edit: I should mention though that I'd guess this feature should likely be an easy thing to implement.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Dec 1, 2022, 9:25:27 AM
SirGuySW wrote:
Took me about 10 minutes rushing to get my tabs back to their default order/naming/coloring/afinitying this league. Or as much default as I can with the non-premium tabs labeled 1-5,10-13. Where 6-9 went I don't know.

Bit off-putting to immediately go to stash management at league launch rather than killing zombies.
I appreciate voided leagues for at least one very specific reason...

It's so orderly. It's sequential. It's beautiful.

I'd already moved 25 (currency tab) to the top.
Last edited by SirGuySW#7930 on Mar 16, 2023, 6:30:43 AM
SirGuySW wrote:
Pre-league bump. Please allow players to setup stash templates via web or something or at the least opt-out of this 'intended bug' that results in our league stash getting scrambled.

SirGuySW wrote:
Old post from the other thread:

SirGuySW wrote:
The naming and order of tabs in Standard are not otherwise relevant to the naming and order of tabs in league. Why should a player rename or move their 'foo' tab in Standard because they plan for it to be 'bar' in League? They're completely separate stash's that have now been unnecessarily intertwined.

Perhaps having the option to manipulate our stash tab labels and order via the website, with template/layout support (including the option to revert/reset, save templates/layouts, and apply by leagues), would be better.

ie: "Apply layout 'LEAGUE' to tmpsoft. Apply layout 'HCSSF' to tmphcssf." Players could set it up once. It could be automatically applied to each league at league start. Players could make changes as needed. Sounds like a user-friendly method. No need to mess with (or mess up) an existing and irrelevant stash.

This may be the 'yet another minor annoyance' that irks me the most. Why not give players the option to define their stash labels (ie: via the website). Why pull the information from an unrelated source? Why make this process mandatory?

|: !sdrawkcaB

I'm giving up. I'm giving in.

Later today I intend to ruin my Standard stash tab's organization in favor of league stash. It won't fix the skipping tab numbers but at least I won't need to spend 10-30 min at league launch playing stash management with 0 items. Afterwards, when I need to find an item in Standard I'll just use Looty!, which will require a refresh of all (currently) 789 stash tabs (and seems to take about 30 minutes each time due to server load/rate limiting). Sad day.

Lately I've been playing a different game with a very small dev team, an open-source(ish) front-end client, and a progressive "as long as you're not hacking feel free to mod" policy. I've greatly appreciated the ability to simply implement suggestions that are rejected or uncommented by the devs, rather than being stuck forced to deal with anti-optimal 'features' like this. TBH I enjoy implementing suggestions more than I enjoy playing that game. I really wish (basic front-end client UI) modding in PoE was possible and allowed so we players could just implement our own stash tab templating system. :(
If SSF works like Private Leagues, you can create your first char in SSF and instantly click migrate all. Private Leagues doesn't inherit from Standard, so this should overwrite the issue.
Last edited by FalkenRaiding#1068 on Aug 17, 2023, 10:37:32 AM
FalkenRaiding wrote:
If SSF works like Private Leagues, you can create your first char in SSF and instantly click migrate all. Private Leagues doesn't inherit from Standard, so this should overwrite the issue.
That's a brilliant suggestion. Thank you.

I logged into a Standard-SSF character and noted that stash tabs there were numbered sequentially, then I vandalized that stash (set it up how I want my League stash setup). I then created a character in League SSF and went to town -> stash was pretty (tabs inherited from Standard-SSF correctly, including sequential numbering, affinities, and folders). I used the stash for a while then migrated all to League and ... things went weird: The stash tabs were still numbered sequentially but the migration moved affinities from regular tabs to premium tabs (and renamed those to the number of the regular tab, ie: before the migrate my non-premium tab '5' had an affinity, after the migrate I had two tabs named '5', one premium and one not, the premium one had the affinity), removed all folders, and colored some of the non-premium tabs the folder color (brown) -- the color reset to default after relog. I ended up having to redo stash management anyway but at least the tabs are numbered sequentially in League, so I call it a net win.

If I do this again next league I'll go back into Standard SSF and reset the stash to default before the league, then on launch day I'll create a SSF char and migrate all at the earliest opportunity (this should? migrate all tabs in the default sequential numbering without affinities or folders). After that I'll play stash management (now with sequentially numbered tabs) before heading out to the coast.

This kind of defeats the purpose of inheriting from the parent league but at least I got my '7' tab back. lol

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