Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

ty !!!
My Crit Fireball Witch with 2 fireball threshold jewels will probably be heavily nerfed after this update.
Let's see what mechanics will be implemented to counter this.
I just hope I don't have to give up on this char.

Yes I'm salty, I'm not rich, I play casually, I spent years build this char, I finally reached something with decent survivability (8.6k ES) and power (from 350k to 500k DPS depending on active procs), and boom, several nerf on all the aspects of my build.
I just hope there will be something to keep me useful and fun.
Last edited by Pulsahr on Jun 16, 2020, 6:03:35 AM
So to put it plain:
Starforge was higher dmg than others - Put in line.
Circle rings were extremely strong - Put in line.
Crits were the superior dmg outputs - Put in line.
( and lets make DW weaker just to put it *more in line* with 2H )

Everything must be in line, grey and not stand out it seems.
Starforge and the Circle rings were both very hard to get items to begin with.
I always thought there is excitement and joy out of getting these high tier items. Like thats the whole point of this kind of a game.
To get the strong items, whether its great uniques or well rolled rares, its always this chase after those items that *stand out*.

What this dev manifesto seems to be saying is that you dont want things to stand out. And thats really disheartening to me, I fear for the future and the direction of this game :/
KillerFit wrote:
Shaitan84 wrote:
And me? Can I say that there are to many whiny schoolboys/girls that didn`t wait for the patchnotes before epic saltyness? Or for the actual impact on the game?

Why does someone need to be a moneyspending supporter to be a supporter?

Money are the things made of paper that buys food for the devs!Or you meant to feed them with your patriotism?

Also if your highest character is a lvl 94,and you have mostly characters in the lvl 80,does that make you experienced enough so you can all other people crybabies?

Now lets get to the point,you must have not understood WHY people complaint!
Its the logic behind the nerfing that is flawed!

I will give you an example,lets say you have 5 cars,4 of those cars are pure shit,one of them is upgraded and its something special!
Every person who comes to you car saloon always jumps in the upgraded nice car.
Because of that you decide to make the nice car a shit car like all the other cars instead of upgrading the other 4 cars,so people start visiting you other 4 shit cars.

That is what is happening to skills in this game.They are not buffed,rather nerft,so people dont use the GG skills,rather you have only shit to work with,so you might as well use the others too.That is flawed logic and it is by no means right!

On that note,why should you nerf a skill just because you provided players with OP gear that sinergizes with the skill?Thats the same as equiping a fully mirrored character,and using Riposte as a skill and saying "this game is broken we have to nerf Riposte" !

Also we have many many examples of GGG "rebalancing" skills that NEVER come back after the "light touch" to them.How many discharge skills do we used to have back in the day?I can remember at least 5 variations off my hat with out thinking.How many dischargers do you even have nowerdays,i personally havent seen discharge used in years in a party,never mind variations...

Gutting a skill just because people use it is wrong.Being creative and crating something to rival that skill is the right way to go!

Let me ask you this,what do you think a about the 0.8 aps slams now?Are they op too?ANd if so,how long you you survive with a slow aps skill and a slow animation with a limited radius in Delirium juiced map?

Anyway dont know if your a fanboy ready to die for GGG but there are many flaws
and mistakes made by the Devs.Simply ignoring them out of fear or ass kissing is wrong for the whole community!I am not citing you in the previous sentence,just saying too many Fanboys kissin ass nowerdays,including most of the streamers...!

Gl to you m8!

First of all I`ll stand by my point of not needing to pay GGG to have an opinion(my use of the word supporter wasn`t ment to be a buying supporter but a person who supports in any way). That statement seems really wierd. If a good player who doesnt have the money to buy stuff was striped of there right to speak.. well that wouldnt be to good. but you might have misunderstood me.

for all your other points: valid statements. Indeed they are, but as you have said yourself GGG is doing it like this for years. They overnerf and bring it back later in the league or in the next league. not with everything I agree, like the discharge skill you brought up. But they put a lot back, buffs, item reworks, cluster jewels, timeless jewel, treshhold jewels, skill rework, adding new skills, passive tree reworks and so one.

and for the last part: dont judge a person from his char sheet. my highest char is 94 that you can see. Tho I did do all the content so what does my lvl matter? also I delete most of my chars except the ones I found funny. I play around 5 -8 chars that I delete when i`m done with the league. Dont make assumptions.

Also lets not go back and forth with quoting eachother. I do acknowledge your points of conscern, I just dont see them as an issue.

ggg fanboy
Thanks GGG!

I had my new Ultimate Stun-Lock Build (HC+SSF) prepared!
CoC Ice Nova getting plenty of stealth nerfs;

- Glancing Blows
- Crit multi
- Synthesis rings

should still be extremely viable
kind regards
Everything is good. Now just remove delirium completely and cluster jewels.
Lol if you are negative about this your message gets deleted...come on its having a free speech in honest opinion is just that this league is not good compared with others...bad changes imo(not all ofcourse) and playing a league that is like playing farmville is not it...waiting for the next league(after harvest)
'punish your enemies (players) with the excessive cruelty of a tyrant, then move on without a second thought'

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