Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

RIP my herald :c
Two Handed Buffs rofl
Very interesting patch.

2H'er are looking sooo good this league. Awesome. Very curious on the Berserker and Chieftain changes.

Although a tad heavy on the nerf side I'd say.

Poor Raider melee bae just got fucked even further with DW and crit multi nerfs lol. She was already dead GGG. Let her rest in peace.

nice,good job
MandrulDuce wrote:
ColeonePS wrote:
So many people bitching because they cant play their same dual wield
build theyve been playing the last 6 leagues plus. here is an idea. Go fucking play a new build. Enjoy the game for its evolution. And yes, Herald stacking is broken, hence the reason it was so insanely expensive to build. People stop lying to yourself. Meta is meant to change. have fun exploring it.

Translation: Play the game like we want you to play it not how you enjoy playing it.
Also, imposing meta change by forcing players out of their builds instead of giving them alternatives that are fun and attract players to test them is the wrong approach.

Double Translation. You need the game to be ultra east to enjoy. Go play d3 then. Their will be a whole new littany of broken build this league as their is every league. Wait til people find then them copy and paste like you probably have every league this far.
hahahahaha finally something to tone down both cyclone and head hunter

- ggg, please buff RT
- critical Strike Multiplier values have been lowered from almost every passive, as well as from some items

dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate on Jun 16, 2020, 1:08:56 AM
Fist of War instead of shockwave support is a huge mistake, trust me.

I dont want a animation above me char every other sec, looks stupid.
At least let us make that choice our self?

Also did you forget resolute technique? this talent point is not even in the stone age :D

Well 3 days left and i am looking forward to this league !!!

Yoox wrote:
We have removed the stun immunity from Cyclone, but made no other changes to it. This immunity was originally added to prevent implementation problems when positional desync was common, not as a core part of the skill's design. Being able to move while dealing damage is already a powerful defensive benefit, and melee attackers are usually more resistant to stuns. The skill will still make you immune to knockback, and Vaal Cyclone still retains its stun immunity.

Not cool.

Or you know .. play slayer or be like the rest of chayula amulet gang .
More nerfs, More we quit :D

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