Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

path of nerf
Thanks GGG
Please focus on servers!!! Thank you for this great game.
MandrulDuce wrote:
Each time you add new stuff to the end game it has to be harder and slightly more challenging than what is already in the game. It wouldn't be fun and appealing otherwise. As that accumulates over time, the gap between vanilla alc an go red maps and current end game widens. Yet you are still balancing the average power lvl around vanilla red maps, indirectly nerfing all the builds in the game.

Delirium proved the flaw in this design philosophy the best. How many builds could clear juiced t16 maps? (not to bring into discussion t19s). Very few. And the majority of builds have ceilings they can't scale above regardless of investment.
Not to say that most builds that average people build couldn't handle delirium on a regular t16 map.

Let's take the example of Herald Stackers. Everybody complained they were OP. Most of them probably just saw clips of empy's 3000ex build trivializing Sirus. The medium budget version of that build (which is already an insane investment) could engage with the end game content of delirium (juiced maps with full delirium) at a good pace and would still have to be careful and in danger of dying.
Nobody built a stacker to engage with regular t16 maps and trivialize them. They did it because it was fun to build and manage all its moving parts, it would always have something you can invest into and improve, and it could engage with actual delirium end game content.
Crit builds were also amongst the few that would scale enough to do juiced delirium maps.
You are gutting all of the above described because "let's not trivialize vanilla t16 maps".

Why put harder content in the game if you take away our ability to scale builds to engage with it? And if we can't engage with it, for people that played for years, what you expect us to have fun with??? Vanilla mapping?

This design philosophy literally makes zero sense for me at this point. Nerf builds to bring them to the power level of average builds which become trash builds with the addition of more difficult content.
More buffs less nerfs.

im HIGHLY agreed with you
and i want to add that all buffs and nerfs by GGG are random impulsive actions without ANY good strategic view of the game itself or path where to go in general

all i see last 1 year is dumb changes and panic button slapped every time

oh we made OP Cyclone - panic button
Oh we made OP necro - panic button
Oh we made herald stacking - panic button

dude wtf just make it end end game hard to get bulds THATS IT

GGG WHO TOLD YOU that good and fun to play builds are BAD?

GG GGG WHO TOLD YOU that DUMB IDIOTIC literally 0 DPS clunky as bull ass skills(and builds) are GOOD?

pls answer 2 last questions.

to me these changes sound again like: one step forward two steps back...

“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
sounds like i might have to hit my armageddon brand elementalist again. it didn't use brand recall anyway, sounds like pure buff for it. not sure i want to take that route again though...
Good changes. Nerfing is inevitable, and if you can't handle that, please head for the door and mind the gap between REALITY and EXPECTATIONS. It's a long, hard fall if you miss the jump.

All in all, time to play yet another new build this time around! Maybe I'll go with the Slam Jam they're throwing our way, or maybe try my hand at some funky, wacky mix-up with that Arcanist Brand, or hell, maybe I'll just go SHOUT Monk and scream my way to the top like most of the kids in this thread. "REEEEEEEEEE!" to victo-REEEEEEEEEE!
"In order to make slam skills fun and more appealing, we will nerf anything that isn't a slam skill or traps/mines(because these always need to clear all content with almost no investment)".

'The spiritual successor to Diablo 2'. Did you guys even play D2? The game was just years of power creep, which is why it was great for so long. This isn't a moba. Arpgs need power creep to remain interesting, so stop pretending that the patch notes need to read like League of Legends.

Balance is an illusion, and all you're doing is removing fun and choices. Stop caving to the self hating new gen who want every genre to be some frustrating pvp esport wannabe. It's a pve kill n chill hack n slash, and these games will always have a low skill ceiling by default. Removing choices or changing numbers won't ever change that. Go back to your D2 roots.
Forum probation for calling someone a 'troll', so I lifetime banned myself from spending money on PoE.
Really good changes targeting the right things. A little bit worried leech immune slid under the table though.

I think removing 20% of more damage from duel wield is an insane overreaction though.

Sometimes when GGG nerf or buff stuff I am like, "Do they actually know how much of a change that is?"

For instance, they could remove 10% of the build's damage. But instead they tend to completely kill stuff or make stuff OP broken.

RIP juicers it was fun while it lasted.
Dear GGG. Not everyone wants to play the league every time and create new builds all the time. Some people just want to play a successful build and have fun.

You've literally destroyed just about every character I've had fun playing... now I have to repec to your stat-destroying "balancing" act...

No, just no. I've spent a decent amount of $$$ in your game... but not another single dollar will you get. What good is my continuing to support you when you don't support me?


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