More Harvest Crafting Options
OMG Bex you now have my undivided attention cannot wait for this, is it Friday yet?
" probably means it won't work on items u already added a mod to, so cant just keep crafting same item over and over. I guess doing the craft once flags it as synthesized, so u can't try over and over on your savior or something till you hit it eventually. The Rich Get Richer, the Po Stay Po.
please include on the x1 version, please?
Looks more like a slot machine than a crafting bench
" ahahaha you made my day Poesino 777 is open KEKW |
...if Harvest doesn't make it into the core game I'm going to be very unhappy.
Awakened Combustion Support when?
Buff A-warchief totem!!!!!
Wow ! much less trades to do, good new as the trades sites need a real update since 2 years....
now poe can playable ssf easlly yeyyyy