New and Changed Slam Skills in Path of Exile: Harvest

Finally, well done
pls bring back the old multistrike, that skill is only good on solo! we're melee user can only catch up the fast clear speed of caster and projectile build using the old multistrike during party time. there's a time we want to join beachhead, pure breachstone, poorjooy, coward's trial run, there's no fun when you're at the party and you hit nothing:(
I am just worried that using warcries between every pack will be painful. Please make it so we don't have to spam so many buttons as much. Speed builds allow you to click and clear a whole screen (which people enjoy). Designing skills that are slow and require key spam won't be as good in my opinion. Love the good work though and how the league looks! I just won't be playing melee :)
why no Leap slam? and why only mention there will be no leap slam on the reddit sub? Why does GGG give zero fucks about the forum?
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
SuperDumbo wrote:
Just make Cyclone great again. Never used those stupid skills and will never do.

Great Again? Cyclone is stronger than ever at the moment due to impale and cluster jewels.
Can we get Stygian The Fist of War and Stygian Ice Crash please with a cherry on top???
What setting do these guy's play on I have my game sitting on basically max and getting 70+ frames but my game doesn't look this nice is it bloom?
pls, let perforate be good at least for one league.
I think it is going to be a better change if perforate strikes its spikes as if in sand stance while in blood stance, sending them in one direction in barrage, smth like groundslam, but fast and cool looking.)))))
Love ya GGG <3
Last edited by WallstandingTall#7277 on Jun 11, 2020, 2:35:36 AM

IceCrash Please keep it more on the transparent / grey side,
Video looks reasonable but please test it with multistrike+faster attacks
with 2 or 3 players, currently its impossible to see whats going on!!

Even better, give us a couple of skill effects for it!

Consecrated path - would love something that stops it causing epilepsy.
Perhaps make it flame dash to the new location?

Last edited by carcus80#0018 on Jun 11, 2020, 2:41:34 AM
So Earthquake Hollow Palm Technique right? I mean.... Gotta go fast right???

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