3.10.2 Patch with Beta of Vulkan Renderer

Watching back some DX11 footage (with RTSS performance indicators on screen) and freshly recorded Vulkan run of Harbour Bridge (70fps cap, max settings):

DX11 with multithreading is just constant mess of stutters and 30-40 fps, the reason I didn't play past Act 10 Kitava this league.

DX11 without multithreading sailing between 30 and 40 fps with dips even below 30, frametime graph is a proper squiggly line most of the time with clear occasional spikyness. But hey, no stutters at least...

Vulkan with multithreading dips once below 60 fps for few seconds, otherwise holding over 60 with frametime graph being very clean with some rare spikes.

So basically Vulkan renderer fixes the performance issue I was hit very hard with due to my weak 4 core 4 thread CPU. This is clear from the GPU utilization graph which doesn't make it past 70% with DX11 even though the framerate is tanking, while with Vulkan the CPU bottleneck is mostly mitigated and the GPU gets to do more work (hovering above 90%).

So looks like we back to playing PoE next league, yay!

Nice work GGG devs!
Sounds good. Thanks for explaining all the technical reasonings.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Do you expect that switching to the Vulkan renderer will actually fix these stutters? I certainly hope so, but changing the renderer feels like an overkill solution, even if Vulkan has incredible performance in other games (Doom 2016/Doom Eternal).

It's not going to be like that on day one, but just imagine PoE with Doom's performance. It's like a dream and something the game's performance should be in the first place.
few issues with it:

multimonitor setup, borderless windowed mode.
every time poe loses focus (if I click in the browser for example), poe flashes with a black screen. Everytime it gains focus again, same thing.
Overlay tools like poe trade macro, mappy or similar ones still work, but they cannot be an overlay when poe has focus. once poe has focus, I effectively have to alt-tab (with mappy as an example) to get them back into focus. when I use them, poe loses focus (flashes black), I click back into the game so it gains focus again, flashes black etc.

super annoying.

I never had too big of performance issues in the first place, so I will switch back to dx11 for the time being. hope you guys can figure these things out with vulcan, then I will gladly switch to vulcan again.
Last edited by xebtria#7747 on May 28, 2020, 1:57:03 AM
Thanks a lot, I have tested it and it feels amazing. Vulkan > Delirium.
Nice! Good decision to test it before lunch.
very nice! thanks for not waiting until the 3.11 patch. i'll check it out right away.
have you guys been able to download the patch ..
mine is stuck .. at 0.00% and fails to dnload
Wow what a nice surprise!

I saw the announcement on Facebook and expected to see something like "heralds has been taken out in the back and shot in the head" but then i saw "added Vulkan renderer"

Testing this right now!
ScorpXV wrote:
have you guys been able to download the patch ..
mine is stuck .. at 0.00% and fails to dnload

Are you using Steam? If so just be extremely patient.

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