" Upon realising this I've changed my build accordingly and I do say, this is brilliant, I feel so much more destructive and I love it |
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" Your bow is fine for a med to high tier upgrade from the standard quill rain + CJ option. The difference between your rolled bow and a crafted bow is probably around a ~5-6% actual damage difference. This is because +2 the support gems will also increase the -more affixes from your presumed awakened gem levels, not just Toxic rain. The difference becomes larger if you include a synthesized affix. Attack speed on the bow is also a big concern, not just for total DPS, but also the "feel" of the build. And as you know, augment speed and remove/add speed modifiers are VERY expensive right now and it would be up to you if you are okay with potentially spending 15-20 exalts trying to craft attack speed on a less than a min-maxed base. You could always be luckier than me, though, after i spent an ungodly amount just to settle for a measly T4 attack speed. In summary, I do believe your bow is an upgrade from a regular quill rain, with the cost of "feeling" a little clunkier in maps due to attack speed loss. This is because you would be one-shotting regardless (assuming your other gear is also getting up there). In terms of hierarchy, this is my opinion from the last couple of leagues testing: 1. CJ + quill rain (zoom zoom and CHEAP) 2. CJ + budget crafted bow (more damage, much less zoom, still pretty cheap) 3a (Tied). Double Corrupted CJ + quill rain (zoom zoom, more damage, expensive) 3b (Tied). min-maxed crafted bow + CJ (lots of damage, less zoom, expensive) 4. min-maxed crafted bow + crafted armor + AoE on other gear to compensate for CJ. (lots of damage, zoom effect is mitigated from attack speed sources, but very expensive to put together in a COMPLETE package). |
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Remi- thanks for the suggestion on using the MiA + Blast rain combination. After testing, I much prefer it to wither totems.
One suggestion is to consider switching out your silver flask for a cinderswallow if you're running the Blast rain setup. You now have the +dmg d/t blast rain as an ignite source and it is a HUGE survivability bonus. I stopped running a life flask while mapping because of it. Also, you likely have 30-50% flask effect naturally from pathfinder, so really its a +15% increased damage, not just 10% cinderswallow effect. |
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" Thanks for your explanations, I knew that the "+2 to support gem" modifier was better but a less than 10% difference seems acceptable for me. It is not a rolled bow, it is a fully crafted bow which cost me around 3 Ex so far (I was lucky with the fusing though)and I could have crafted the % speed instead of the +1 arrow. But it is still possible to add the speed with the garden whereas the +1 arrow is almost impossible. |
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Hello! Thanks for this fun build, I'm really enjoying it :) Can you guys please recommend what should I get next, what should I upgrade in my character?
" Last edited by Marteeh#5091 on Feb 3, 2021, 4:10:29 PM
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hello , for what do we use that timelessjewel ? i dont get it , is there anything i miss? in the guide its not there under jewel , just saw it in the pob.
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"Btw what's the warcry MTX you were using in the Maven video? |
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I'm sure the new skill-gem setup is awesome, but I just need everyone to know that the part of me that spent 300 chromes getting a 5G1R carcass is screaming right now.
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" Hey can someone explain me this why ? why not more passives in the jewel? Also, I have managed to snipe some of the items for this build, but I am struggling a lot with enemies that have chaos resistance.. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Ghostaflux/characters |
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"Passive points are a very limited, precious resource, every sub-par node you spend them on robs you of spending them on something better instead. 4% chaos multi isn't worth a point, when for example a normal jewel socket costs 2 points and can give 4% chaos multi + 3 other mods like 7% life, 4-6% attack speed 10-13% inc damage etc. That's why large jewels above 8 points are trash too, the small nodes are really not worth it, the smaller the better. And if ever the small nodes ARE worth it, they get nerfed (look: aura medium jewels). |
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