[3.21] Aegis Incinerate Elementalist - Tank with over 10mil Shaper DPS!
Might be interesting, ll crit rf guardian tank, glancing blows, divine shield, PA, leadership's price...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3NqdmLXvwA |
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" I might be wrong but I don't think Guardian can sustain RF with our core build. |
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" I was just hoping to find some new tricks, what could be used with our build... |
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why do we use the Leadership's Price amulet, +2 to gems will give a huge increase in damage? just because of the increase in the maximum resistance?
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" Guardians biggest benefit is not needing glancing blows. That is a huge defensive layer we don't get on Inquisitor. I am interested to see what a crit DPS would be on Guardian with Leadership Price...... |
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" Hello! We were kind of bored in 3.16 so we started to theory craft for 3.17. A poster recommended we take a look at Leadership's Price for the build. After many iterations in POB and some kindly testing from Brigetiol in standard, and stoudtlr in Scourge, we learned the following: 1) We can go full crit with 100% crit chance (the amulet gives us 100% crit chance via Brittle). 2) We can sustain RF while playing by using both Inquisitor and the amulet (via the higher Fire resistance we can get on the amulet. The other raised resistances would be bonus's but not required) 3) The amulet provides SAP. Via testing we can see that we can apply SAP to any target in the game instantly. This makes the target hit us for 20% "less" damage, which is a huge defensive layer (some what equivalent to the old Fortify at least for single target) 4) The amulet provides Scorched, which lowers the enemies elemental resistances, allowing for our DPS to increase significantly. The downside of the amulet is balancing strength and int but we worked the tree such that it should be fairly easy to balance once you acquire the amulet. For roughly the same price as the non crit Elementalist build we have been running the last few leagues, it looks like we can have better defense and higher DPS. If you are interested in checking out a theory crafted POB, let me know. Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge#5265 on Jan 17, 2022, 2:35:11 PM
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" About 7.4mil DPS was the best I could come up with. Not as high as Inquistitor, but not bad either :-) https://pastebin.com/h6bK8ge2 And you're right about RF. That's the biggest DPS loss as Guardian. You can only use vaal RF instead of both. Both versions could be sustained as Guardian if we switch to LL, get Zealot's Oath, swap life nodes for es, and some other tree changes. But then we are also losing Skin of the Lords for Shav's. That's 16K less armour and -2 levels to our incinterate gems. I tried playing around in POB with a LL version, but couldn't come up with anything worthwhile. Last edited by stoudtlr#5310 on Jan 17, 2022, 2:31:52 PM
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" Fabulous info!! Thank you!!!! I can't wait until the patch notes, so that we can make some final decisions and tweaks. :) |
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" Me too! You can break 9mil as Guardian if you manage to get a Skin of the Lords with Pain Attunement. With the extra points you save you could add a 2nd large cluster, another small mana cluster with Anger notable, Anger aura, and watcher's eye with anger crit multi. That would be a late game min-maxed version though as those changes would be expensive. https://pastebin.com/jsMzDkUv |
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one piece of info we don't yet have is how easy is it to apply the ailments if we are doing ~5m dps...We can see from Brigetiol's testing that once we get to high dps numbers it is easy but we should know about lower numbers as well.
Brigetiol, with out risking any deaths, is there any way you can lower your DPS and test the ailment application for us? Finding a very fat but some what weak boss would be ideal...Maybe Drox? Some easy ways to lower DPS would be not using damage flasks, turn off RF, go to 5 link Incinerate..... I have a feeling you could easily do a T14ish with all three of those above not being used... |
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