[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS
" Are you using the correct version of PoB? https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases |
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" Coralito is a good flask for single target, i.e. boss with the increased poison duration. It also tend to inflate your PoB DPS, and the extra chance to poison is nice to have. However, Coralito is largely useless in the clearing department because we want mobs to die as fast as possible. Increasing poison duration doesn't help in this regard, at all. Furthermore, Coralito causes you to deal 30% less damage with hits, which is a no go for shock and init arrow hits. It will noticeably reduce your clearing potential. I would suggest not to use Coralito in map, and if you want to have some additional DPS against bosses, swap Coralito in. " Iirc, the "nearby" range of vinktar is large enough, and you don't need to stay too close to the target. Need to double check myself later on (no reply means no further correction). Flat lightning damage from Added light ing damage support is great wih V-Rift since 60% will be converted to chaos. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- Last edited by WolfieNa#3904 on Sep 20, 2020, 10:00:52 AM
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" Nice mid-game gears indeed. Your next upgrades would be a ring with despair on hit + some life and resisit (if possible), or using Witchbrew fire in the meantime until you've got such a ring. Then a cheap corrupted 6-link chest (socket GGGBBB, for 10-15c) if you don't plan to 6 link any gear any time soon. Put your BR on embalmer if you want that corrupted chest. Next in line is either a cheap +1 arrow quiver (for easier pod control vs single target) or cluster jewels (prioritize Enduring composure and flask jewel first bcz they're cheap and good overally). And Duskblight boot as well if the price drops anywhere under 10c. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- Last edited by WolfieNa#3904 on Sep 20, 2020, 10:00:32 AM
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" that's right I hope ? |
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" I made Enduring composure as the first cluster, it improved the resistance well Now I will level more to put at least the flask cluster Looking at 6L armor to buy Thanks for the tips, I will use them based to proceed https://prnt.sc/ukkson |
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Would someone check my character what I'm doing wrong? I just moved to mapping but I have zero single target dps :(
I'm planning to upgrade to 6l corrupted atm, but I don't know if that alone would help that much. I'm struggling with tier 1 map bosses that never happened before. Last edited by warden91#0218 on Sep 20, 2020, 1:38:02 PM
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hi, i'm at 80-ish, can i check on what is the next few items i should upgrade for better DPS? I'm currently at t1-5 maps and is doing fine. Just also want to check, for the POB final version, i see surging vitality and fettle, do i replace the surging with enduring composure as per your picture screenshot? |
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" Really enjoying the build. Just a quick question, how do I improve my single target dps? |
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" Yes, correct. The practical way to have Enduring composure this league is to craft it on a cluster jewel, as the picture screenshot. Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- |
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Important (Please check this out) Hi there, Look like there are common questions regarding the single-target DPS with V-Rift. So, here are some suggestions on how to improve it. 0) Let's play against the boss together: https://youtu.be/R2Ao6FJaeG8?t=311. This was done with a 5-link SA + V-Rift + Stormcharger, no Herald of Thunder nor Duskblight acquired yet. It's probably not the best example out there but should be enough to give you an idea of how it works. (New) 1) This is experiementing, but Faster Attack Speed Support can be a good gem for a 6-link SA, replacing deadly ailment. It helps channel 5 stage faster until you gain enough APS without it. 1) Try to 5-stage SA as much as you can during the boss fight. The routine:
2) Grabbing an Enduring mana/hybrid flask So that you can channel 5-stage SA without worrying about mana depletion. 3) Grab a despair curse on hit ring 4) Flask: Overflowing Chalice is a must in boss fights Also plug in a Coralito flask for single target. Note that Coralito makes you deal 30% less damage with hit, so it's not the best candidate for clear. 5) Check your hit rate and chance to poison on hit SA is a hit-based attack. That means you need to have north of 96% hit chance for SA to hit and inflict poison. Also, chance to poison is important for thorn arrows to deal maximize damage with poison. In the early, if you find it hard to cap poison on hit, use Coralito's signature flask until you can cap poison on hit elsewhere. To cap poison chance without a Coralito, drop 2 minor increased poison duration nodes in the Fatal Toxin wheel for +15% chance to poison on hit on the same wheel and an additional +15% from Toxic Strikes wheel, if you haven't taken it. 6) Take as many attack speed nodes as possible The faster attack speed, the shorter it takes to 5-stage SA, and hence improve both your DPS and mobility/survivability. Less stationary time = less chance to get hit. Grab the Unpredictable Offensive wheel for channelling. Swift Venoms is an important wheel to take. 7) Last resort 7.1) Replace Void manipulation on SA by Deadly Ailment. 7.2) If you still struggle with the single target damage, you can consider drop all herald & aura but Herald of Agony, and get a Malevolence. ------------------ Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2851574 -- Last edited by WolfieNa#3904 on Sep 21, 2020, 6:39:52 PM
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