[3.11] Chieftain Reflect Ballistas - aka RAT Nuke 2.0


3.11 dps check on A5 Redeemer, gets really laggy in the end might have to do some performance comparisons between Vulkan and DX11. This is with Abhorrent Interrogation. Have already killed Shaper, Elder, and A4 Sirius with relative ease (though I did have to swap gloves mid-fight). Died once to Sirius but due to an off screen die beam.
Last edited by zgish on Jun 30, 2020, 10:09:55 PM
Fixed a bug where Galvanic Arrow could sometimes knock enemies back in the wrong direction.

Fixed a bug where Galvanic Arrow could sometimes knock enemies back in the wrong direction.


Truly a miracle. I've already made some text changes to the guide, will update with the pob and some videos soon enough.

Edit: Added a ton of stuff. Hopefully the skill won't be bugged next league and I can update it closer to release. An unexepcted new problem is mana issues because mana regen no longer applies to mana, instead it applies to rage. This makes mana a bit tight on bosses, doable but annoying.
Last edited by zgish on Jul 11, 2020, 1:52:41 AM
I love the novelty of the build, it is truly unique. Although I can't help but feel like even after both bug fixes, the build is clunky while mapping. I'm wondering if there's any way to smoothen it out. I really wish that there was a method to scale the AOE of the totem reflect. That'd help a lot. As it currently stands, individual totems tend to conflict with each other's knockbacks if not perfectly placed, and that can be awkward for mapping, especially in bad layouts. If only there was some supplement for clear.

I'm also using Eye of Malice as another damage alternative and interested in your thoughts:

Most monsters start off with 40 fire resist. If we factor in our debuffs, -50 from EE, -25 from fire exposure, -44 from flammability, *1.5 from Eye of Malice, they end with -118.5 fire resist. Even if we assume that monsters start with 75 resist due to any map mods, we'd still net benefit from Eye of Malice.
Shleep wrote:
I love the novelty of the build, it is truly unique. Although I can't help but feel like even after both bug fixes, the build is clunky while mapping. I'm wondering if there's any way to smoothen it out. I really wish that there was a method to scale the AOE of the totem reflect. That'd help a lot. As it currently stands, individual totems tend to conflict with each other's knockbacks if not perfectly placed, and that can be awkward for mapping, especially in bad layouts. If only there was some supplement for clear.

I'm also using Eye of Malice as another damage alternative and interested in your thoughts:

Most monsters start off with 40 fire resist. If we factor in our debuffs, -50 from EE, -25 from fire exposure, -44 from flammability, *1.5 from Eye of Malice, they end with -118.5 fire resist. Even if we assume that monsters start with 75 resist due to any map mods, we'd still net benefit from Eye of Malice.

Yeah I feel like there is no solving the clunkiness of the mapping, it's just inherent to the build. We only get over it once we hit a high enough damage mark that it becomes like placing a totem which really is just placing a delayed bomb. I've tested Eye of Malice before and it's nice but it also requires that you be pretty close to the units which a lot of the time we just aren't. Its main use would also be helping with bossing where its effectiveness would be reduced. I ultimately just chose survivability over it (or the huge jump in damage if you ever get a good Forbidden Shako)

The speed of a near constant Berserk does really help push the build to a more reasonable position as an overall usable build. I've been able to hit the <50 mobs left mark in most T14-16 maps almost as quickly as I do in a regular cyclone build. I'll try to upload a new video. I also keep forgetting to record my A8 Sirus runs which I've got a couple of pretty decent deathless runs in.

Some final changes to the build is that I dropped Eternal Youth and just rely on raw life regen and Enduring Cry which is just really amazing. I currently have around ~12% a second without the burst healing from Enduring Cry. I end up dropping the 8th totem to get the three extra Endurance Charges but the boss damage is good enough that I don't really need it and it sometimes isn't even able to fit in around the boss anyway.
Last edited by zgish on Jul 12, 2020, 7:54:30 AM
I'm trying out the fending cluster for increased knockback distance to see if that'll help smoothen out the clear speed. Have you tried it, yet?
Shleep wrote:
I'm trying out the fending cluster for increased knockback distance to see if that'll help smoothen out the clear speed. Have you tried it, yet?

I had those nodes awhile ago but that was back when I was using Rain of Arrows, haven't tried it with Galvanic. Interested in how you feel about it.
I had those nodes awhile ago but that was back when I was using Rain of Arrows, haven't tried it with Galvanic. Interested in how you feel about it.

I use it and while I don't notice a huge distance increase, for me, anything that helps with map clear is worth it. Bossing and survivability are fine and I don't personally feel starved of skill points.

I saw that seismic cry grants 200% increased knockback distance and thought I was on to something, but I'm pretty sure that's specific to the gem and not a monster debuff nor a global character buff.

It's kind of a funny dilemma. Upon doing research you'll find plenty of threads filled with people begging GGG to reduce the effect of knockback, especially for lion's roar. It seems like people who want to get rid of knockback can't do it, but people like us who want to invest in as much knockback distance as possible have very limited options as well.
Last edited by Shleep on Jul 13, 2020, 9:48:40 AM
Posted a clean Uber Elder kill as the final video for 3.11. Build is basically done for this league, updated the final PoB, some final thoughts:

Forbidden Shako really pushes the damage of the build, I would highly suggest getting one if you can afford it. Enduring Cry has been fantastic, a surprisingly simple addition whereas I initially thought we would focus on other more niche sustain options. We don't use a lot of rares on this build but harvest crafting has flooded the market with tri-res stuff and good jewels, so it shouldn't be hard to hit the required numbers. Chainbreaker has been HUGE for this build, making the mapping much faster, upping the damage, and giving it more survivability in dangerous situations.

Big thanks to everyone who contributed to the thread
So is a 5L lvl25 Shako worth getting rid of a 6L? Cant find a lvl25 with a good second skill.

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