Path of Exile Screenshot Competition

Rise of the Titans

Last edited by RatRants on Apr 22, 2020, 5:48:43 AM
Camping with friends

Thunder against Thunder

Too soon she revealed the secrets to her pupil, in hope that someday she would became as powerful as her.

Too soon she gave her the imbued ornaments. The Wrappings, to enhance her. The Revelation, to rule her.

Too late she realized that the thunder is, in fact, uncontrollable.

The making of:
(sorry in advance for my bad english)

She's act 6 Shavronne. I chose this encounter because i could make some takes without her killing me.
The idea was to take a shot while she is attaking me from the air, while she is closer to the camera so she seems bigger. Also didnt want brutus in the pic so i had to wait she teleport far from him.
Was kinda hard to avoid killing her before taking a good shot. Because of that I picked an almost unleveled tempest shield but even whitout attaking her directly, after a shot or two she would go to de next instance (brutus + shav) and i would have to reset the instance from the prison (there isn't a waypoint near).
taked me like an hour to get a good shot, taking consideration "far from brutus" + not too messy screen + forget deactivating map or F1 +appealing pose from tempest shield (good face direction).

After taking a shot i crop it and darkened upper left and bottom rigt corners, so the attention is draw to the center of the image

Last edited by Jublich on Apr 22, 2020, 7:35:29 AM
Flame path

My screen shot, i will post 2 more

second one
and the last one

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