Path of Exile Developers Reveal Their Working From Home Desks!

Kane lives!
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
Blake - what have you done - ROFL
Blake - Senior Environment Artist

Matt - Narrative Designer
kick board is genius - stealing that

Jared - 3D Artist
All the best guys, last pics from jared is a MASTERPIECE :D love it... STAY SAFE and take lots of VITAMINES ... and 100% poison

Have a nice Easter everyone
i want to subscribe
Could someone please get Blake a new chair? And I noticed there are waaay less toucans then it should.
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Since 2013 POE became a glowing christams tree of mtx. I feel like every leauge the performance gets worser and visual clusterfuck becomes bigger. And honestly 90% times i die i have no idea what killed me. I bet devs have no idea what's going on. Nobody does.

But hay i will sure buy new 1000 point dragon pet. Come on bring it on.
Last edited by Allen_GGG on Apr 9, 2020, 4:39:35 AM
Very nice setups, Chris seems to have been posting to FB though, I don't buy it :P
dachoppa wrote:
too bad Mark_GGG's setup isn't shown. i bet it's a super primitive, highly efficient setup.

but what does a "rigger" do?

A rigger creates the rig, tools used by animators to animate assets. A single asset may include thousands of vertices. Each vertex has its own location in 3D space. Adding a so called skeleton and controllers allows for the translation of many vertices at the same time. This makes it so an animator only has to change a single value instead of moving each individual vertex by hand.

Additonally a rigger can set limitations (max/min values) so that an animator cant "break" a mesh by stretching it too far for example.

Not only characters may need a rig but inanimate objects (non living things) as well. That includes cogs, doors, blight towers etc.

These are some of the things a rigger does. Im not the best at explaining in simple terms but I hope its somewhat clear.

All of this makes it alot faster and easier to animate, make more iterations and also prevents unnecessary problems with animations and meshes.
Jared's pic is awesome (I feel his pain & that's the reason I got the snip after 3 kids!), though Mandeep's Dalek is broken & that makes me sad. :(

Also, is Blake's chair a body wrapped up to look like a chair or actually a chair?
Last edited by Llama8 on Apr 9, 2020, 4:55:07 AM
This is so cool :)

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