Venice Hideout (Celestial Nebula)

Einhar, (and the refugees) last seen drifting in the celestial seas, have made it to Venice, a picturesque trading town of rivers and canals.

Ok I know its not *exactly* like Venice but its as close as I could get :)

MTX used - 3x rain to make the waterfall, not required

- 2x pets in Einhar's cages, not required, can use any pets you have or leave cages empty

Other notes;

Have used 1x blessing font under the crafting bench, if you are a newer player you may not have this. You can change your crafting bench to be the blessing font (with the light beam), but then it will only be accessible from 2 sides of the statue which is mildly annoying. Alternatively the light beam isn't really required, can just leave it without.

Both Jun and Alva should have all portals accessible, Niko will not, can move Niko away from the buildings onto the beach, or maybe into the market square next to the statue near Navali, if you normally delve in a full group.

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Last bumped on Apr 5, 2020, 2:05:59 PM

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