3.10.1c Patch Notes Preview

Please GGG we need stop delirium mist moving in the boss fight. Special for bosses with fases.
Thanks GGG for the currency sink into a fun build just for it to be nerfed all to shit. maybe you should consider stricter bot detection. its not hard to point out bots. actually play the game you create and you will see it for yourself. just follow a few t5 tower runs as a leecher.
Nice changes ;)
Once again, streamers are doing the weather in PoE instead of GGG......who's working for who?
Why am I sain' that? Because i barely bet 90% of players aren't concerned by the changes....so keep playin and stop cryin!
can i refund my supporter pack
dont wanna play anymore T T
worst thing about nerf in mid league:

in future leagues we are discuraged to try out the new gems/talents/uniques
becouse they might get nerfed , and all our time/currency goes to waste

this defeates the purpose of a new league

with that logic we all might as well just play on standard.........

my problem with this is:

GGG: makes new league with low wisibility + on death effect
Players: makes a build so we dont die becouse of low wisibility + on death effect
GGG: thats not how intendedd to play the game, we nerfing it

BUT , Headhunter is OKAY, running with 200.000 (HH)ES is OKAY

remember when strongboxes was a league feature, and everyone died when opened one becouse of lag ?
players started using Lightning warp to jump to safe distance,

My point is:

Players will ALWAYS find an OP build , or find a way to awoid the DEADLY league mechanic

Nerfing it mid league is stupid
bloodymaniac wrote:
"making any kind of midseason tweaks is just a very negative experience for a lot of players who care about fairness and so we learn to push these balance changes to between the leagues..." -Chris Wilson GDC 2019

I guess you didn't learn

SHUT UP anyone who played this broken build and rages fuck urself christ probly didnt know or w.e employee said how actual broken it was everythign was easy go back to sunder unless u know how to make a real build not a bugged broken one
Biggest dick move of the PoE decade. First telling, "no we don't nerf heralds/auras, have fun with it while it lasts" afterwards "ah fuck it, we nerf it anyway" ... After countless ppl invested in it.... This shit kinda broke the league for me. Thanks a lot!
WHAT?No nerfs????KAPPA! Oh ma' Lord the world is about to end!
"Our Trade API is currently under very high load, and a lot of this load appears to be due to third-party programs that are not respecting reasonable rate-limits. In addition to our ongoing work on Trade API performance, we are also temporarily rate-limiting or blocking programs that are spamming our API with too many requests too quickly. This should provide better performance for users making a reasonable number of requests.

Our rate-limit rules should be considered flexible and will be tweaked to maintain service reliability. If your tool is not working, make sure you're running the latest version and if you're a tool developer, implement backoffs when you receive an unsuccessful response."

The real winner here!
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out
And under the ashes of infinity
Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last."

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