Inuyaki wrote:
1) Well, that's it for me. It was fun for most of the 6 1/2 years. But this action was EVERYTHING you normally stood for. Which made me love you and why I supported with nearly 4 digits over the years.
2) To all the whiners, it is not even about nerfing shit, they did that all the time over the years. It is about them GOING BACK ON THEIR WORD. How fucking hard is that to understand? Are you really so dense and stupid? Maybe go back to school instead of whining hear about players, only because you are too stupid to farm some currency and play expensive stuff yourself.
3) Also it is really classy to laugh about the misery of other people. Keep it up guys! No wonder the world goes to shit everywhere. With people like you in it.
4) And btw I don't care what you wanna call me now, I don't even "cry". I am just utterly disappointed in GGG. I don't care about that build. I have enough good games on backlog. The second point why I don't care... why would I have any interest in the opinion of some retard on the internet, that is just bad at everything and needs to increase his little self-esteem by laughing about others.
PS this was pretty tame, but calling those idiots scum might be ban worthy... whatever, you can all report me. Since I don't play anymore, I don't care about a ban. Have fun!
just genuily curious, where did they go back on their word, personally i can not remember any instance of those (though i did not really pay much attention to this stuff in the first place)
ah and don't bother saying "last week" since this is clearly fixing a gamebreaking bug (otherwise people should have been outraged last week when they fixed negativ auras affecting builds).
People saying all the time in this thread GGG going back on their word, i want to know which promises did they break, just for personal information.
So far not a single person did mention any broken promises.
Posted byskuller06451#2711on Mar 31, 2020, 7:45:01 PM
TheSwarmIdentity wrote:
sanba wrote:
no words about the promised optimization of the games that you broke in the last patch?
why are you writing about some kind of errors in PVP - is this your priority ?!
you do not respect your players at all?
Chris is the last straw of confidence
shame shame shame!
Did you even read the patchnotes? There's so many QoL additions in it, alongside many requested bugfixes. And the PH post was worded with the utmost respect you could ask for. Few companies would issue such a personal statement as Bex' initial post.
one example please.
find me a word about Optimization and solutions to problems with fps
Posted bysanba#5661on Mar 31, 2020, 7:46:31 PM
wish i could play with more than 20fps again but hehe.. arcane cloak fix \o/ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Posted byescerny1221#7765on Mar 31, 2020, 7:48:12 PM
skuller06451 wrote:
Inuyaki wrote:
1) Well, that's it for me. It was fun for most of the 6 1/2 years. But this action was EVERYTHING you normally stood for. Which made me love you and why I supported with nearly 4 digits over the years.
2) To all the whiners, it is not even about nerfing shit, they did that all the time over the years. It is about them GOING BACK ON THEIR WORD. How fucking hard is that to understand? Are you really so dense and stupid? Maybe go back to school instead of whining hear about players, only because you are too stupid to farm some currency and play expensive stuff yourself.
3) Also it is really classy to laugh about the misery of other people. Keep it up guys! No wonder the world goes to shit everywhere. With people like you in it.
4) And btw I don't care what you wanna call me now, I don't even "cry". I am just utterly disappointed in GGG. I don't care about that build. I have enough good games on backlog. The second point why I don't care... why would I have any interest in the opinion of some retard on the internet, that is just bad at everything and needs to increase his little self-esteem by laughing about others.
PS this was pretty tame, but calling those idiots scum might be ban worthy... whatever, you can all report me. Since I don't play anymore, I don't care about a ban. Have fun!
just genuily curious, where did they go back on their word, personally i can not remember any instance of those (though i did not really pay much attention to this stuff in the first place)
ah and don't bother saying "last week" since this is clearly fixing a gamebreaking bug (otherwise people should have been outraged last week when they fixed negativ auras affecting builds).
People saying all the time in this thread GGG going back on their word, i want to know which promises did they break, just for personal information.
So far not a single person did mention any broken promises.
We're aware of this but we don't want to fix it yet as it'll break too many people's builds. Have fun with it until next league!
Bex 1 day ago. They knew about this build. They knew how its works, and thet was intended. Its not bug fix its nerf. The not fixing shiet like sporeguard wich shoud not work m they change way this passive works. Are you blind or just bad in trolling?
Posted byRaElent#1621on Mar 31, 2020, 7:49:18 PM
I appreciate the QOL fixes/improvements related to the Atlas, Maps, and Conquerors
Posted bySwazlee#0586on Mar 31, 2020, 7:49:23 PM
skuller06451 wrote:
Inuyaki wrote:
1) Well, that's it for me. It was fun for most of the 6 1/2 years. But this action was EVERYTHING you normally stood for. Which made me love you and why I supported with nearly 4 digits over the years.
2) To all the whiners, it is not even about nerfing shit, they did that all the time over the years. It is about them GOING BACK ON THEIR WORD. How fucking hard is that to understand? Are you really so dense and stupid? Maybe go back to school instead of whining hear about players, only because you are too stupid to farm some currency and play expensive stuff yourself.
3) Also it is really classy to laugh about the misery of other people. Keep it up guys! No wonder the world goes to shit everywhere. With people like you in it.
4) And btw I don't care what you wanna call me now, I don't even "cry". I am just utterly disappointed in GGG. I don't care about that build. I have enough good games on backlog. The second point why I don't care... why would I have any interest in the opinion of some retard on the internet, that is just bad at everything and needs to increase his little self-esteem by laughing about others.
PS this was pretty tame, but calling those idiots scum might be ban worthy... whatever, you can all report me. Since I don't play anymore, I don't care about a ban. Have fun!
just genuily curious, where did they go back on their word, personally i can not remember any instance of those (though i did not really pay much attention to this stuff in the first place)
ah and don't bother saying "last week" since this is clearly fixing a gamebreaking bug (otherwise people should have been outraged last week when they fixed negativ auras affecting builds).
People saying all the time in this thread GGG going back on their word, i want to know which promises did they break, just for personal information.
So far not a single person did mention any broken promises.
Fixing a bug?
So from "aura" to "aura from skills" is just fixing a bug? lol
That is a clear change of behaviour.
Posted byInuyaki#3158on Mar 31, 2020, 7:49:39 PM
asking for 1 or 2 ex for a single craft?
i'm gonna end this man's whole career
Free crafting : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2547154
Posted byxPhilz#1633on Mar 31, 2020, 7:51:07 PM
Alright guys, now let's get HH nerfed!
Posted byUMWai#5630on Mar 31, 2020, 7:53:07 PM
Laughing my asenath off right now at RMT people losing their video game STONKS

Posted bySagely#7810on Mar 31, 2020, 7:54:23 PM
Korynel wrote:
The problem is not fixing a bug mid-league.
The problem is compromising trust and also exploiting herald MTX sales.
It is about making a statement and then betraying the people who actually trusted GGG's word. (Yes, a public word from Bex on issues is an official word from GGG.)
Those people lost their time (and most likely much RMT) investment of weeks. I am really sad to see many people and even laughing at that.
Are you ignoring that GGG?
I don't see why this is worse than any other abuse of previous super OP builds in the past. That is another discussion.
However, if you believe it warrants a roll-back of the people's progress then do a roll-back for all the people.
If you see this action absolutely necessary, GGG, then don't just punish those who trusted your word and invested in it.
If such an action is warranted then start the league over or do a full roll-back of about two weeks. We'll see what all those people react who are so easy to say to others: "It is just a game, why cry :P "
It would stir up emotions but at least it would be just for everyone.
If you want to play a game where you stand there take no damage, deal insane damage, and pick up loot go download some offline ARPG and get a stat mod and crank everything to 100000000000 because that's what you're asking to stay in the game.
Who CARES what GGG said, it was an egregious error and bug, and they allowed to walk back on something of this insane of a circumstance.
People are acting like this was some small scale problem barely scraping ahead of other end game builds.
I just can't see how any [Removed by Support] keeps trying to defend this and are throwing an entitled bitch fit because "AHHH THEY SAID THEY WOULDNT THOOO"
They already stated they made the promise of 'no changes' off of misguided data. They had no idea this was giga-buffing everything in the game. I have ranted on GGG all season for a multitude of issues with this League, but god damn this is the ONE they are completely in the right about.
For people to be crying that they cant run around for 3 months like fucking god's while they take a dump and kill bosses is so, so sad. No true POE fan or anyone with half a braincell would be upset here.
Last edited by Sarah#0000 on Mar 31, 2020, 7:58:21 PM
Posted byNaitsirt#0517on Mar 31, 2020, 7:54:35 PM