New Microtransactions

Omg that pet
Stormbind looks great but this MTX makes it look like some puddles of offal, awful (lol) MTX, why make a skill of mystical explosive runes look so mundane? It could've been much better, maybe beams of golden runes raining down when exploded, not a load of puke. Maybe GGG are telling us something about said skill...
I would have gone with "Cat Of Nine Tails" myself. Is cool looking though!
we naruto now, bois.
I want the fox in purple with pink glow.

10/10 though, sweet suff.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Yay, now we can be Narutos of the Dark!
Nice, but couldn't you just make summons like that? Enemies like that to raise as summons? Other type of summonings like ONE great summon with agro instead of several bothering the screen?
I personally love that you're exploring more than one culture in your mtx, and I hope to see that mtx exploration expand over the years. The more diverse mtx the better. Town full of marauders in pink sailor moon outfits alongside spooky rotting drippy flesh people? Fantastic. Love this fox.

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