TsopKratos wrote:
Atziri and Uber Atziri is a no no for this build :P I tried her once and got 1 shotted 6 times.
Then tried Uber again, put the pantheon node for less reflect dmg taken and also removed 3 links from my 6 link lul
I died a couple of times but with a lot of dodging in the quad phase I managed to kill her in the end
Wouldn't try that again though!
I did her quite easily; but I had to change a brotherhood ring for a Sybil's lament. That gave me 80% reduced reflect. That, plus soul of yugul from pantheon means that I was immune to reflect damage unless I was cursed. Atziri popped easily.
PattyWin wrote:
dragnmith1 wrote:
Thanks @dragnmith1 for the idea of cyclone arc =)
actually not my idea i was following this build but then came across this build
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2831473 it was there i found the coc arc,ball lighting build n decided to try it out n love it!!! so cant take any credit just show it thx anayways
I like cyclone and coc very much and changed my build to it.
But i have problems to get the DPS. Now we only have a 4 Link Chest. Cyclone and COC didnt count. Do i missing something?
My items and tree looks similar to yours.....
well first off your gloves dont have elemental weakness on hit which is a big deal of damage loss,your ring's dont have attack speed on them i checked your char in pob n your around 12aps you need 13 or around there say's op,missing unnatural instinc which is more damage loss your shield is +2 aura's mine +4 more damage loss,your boot's have tailwind yes but no onslaught more attack speed loss in return more damage loss.....with my rings,boot's n unnatural instinc im sitting at or around 13.17aps which i belive is giving me the ultimate damage output not really sure but i belive so lol not trying to be a debbie downer trying to help...just saying your missing few things for this type of build.....get a Dying sun flask n put ball lighting back in your chest should be much better then the cinderswallow....i did this n likeing it much better with 3 balls then 1 lol sounds funny...2 ball's said the queen if i had three i could rule the universe!!!!
IGN ARROWUPYOURAZZ Last edited by dragnmith1#2944 on Apr 29, 2020, 3:07:48 PM
Posted bydragnmith1#2944on Apr 29, 2020, 2:55:20 PM
zeneluvia wrote:
Guys, quick question:
If we have physical to lightning conversion from watcher's eye, is it still dps increase to use physical to lightning gem?
Or better to use other gem such as cold penetration for example?
don't know how I missed this from a few pages back but that's a big no no, we want to convert as much Phys to lightning as possible to abuse double dipping during conversion with CotBs, so please don't drop Phys to lightning gem even if you have the watcher's eye mod. On pob, Phys to lightning is about 64% of my overall dps
Posted byPopePleb#4999on Apr 29, 2020, 2:57:13 PM
If I was gonna craft an aspect onto tailwind boots, you think I should go for cat or spider? I'm playing crit arc, which one do you think would be more useful?
Posted byBudewnpa#2108on Apr 29, 2020, 3:05:46 PM
Why isn't Purity of Elements godly? Don't we get a ton of damage for higher resists? Can anyone clarify how that works, thanks!
Posted byrichcritt#2256on Apr 29, 2020, 3:12:14 PM
Why isn't Purity of Elements godly? Don't we get a ton of damage for higher resists? Can anyone clarify how that works, thanks!
We only get more damage from nebulis until capped res, so 90% is limit. Purity of Elements will give normal resistance, but not capped one like purity of fire/light/ice and we dont need any more of normal res
Posted bytrikster_s#5303on Apr 29, 2020, 3:26:26 PM
Can someone enlighten me on using RF while I have Arc linked with Energy Leech Support?
I can sustain RF fine, probably because of lvl 11 Vitality + Zealot's Oath. But I am not at full ES, it constantly stays at 5 591/5 606. Does this mean that I am constantly leeching ES, and, as a consequence, I will almost always have the 38% more multiplier while leeching ES from the support gem, and almost never 24 % more damage while on full ES?
Not quite sure how to calculate this in the fork PoB. I think PoB assumes that I am fulfilling both criteria at the same time with ES leech support gem, or?
In POB configuration tab, you can check either 'always at full ES' or 'leeching ES.' Don't check both.
Posted byFurtiveGadfly#3288on Apr 29, 2020, 4:20:52 PM
can i ask for suggestions for improvement?
i have managed to get to 2m tool tip dps with all auras, heralds and flask on.....
Posted byMonster0310#5336on Apr 29, 2020, 6:54:25 PM
drumcorp1986 wrote:
xZora wrote:
drumcorp1986 wrote:
Thank you very much for answer! And one more question, when do you think it's good time to transit from "leveling mode" to "end game" mode? Around what level?
And yes, I do have all the gear, gems and jewels ready... level 72 atm.
The longer you can delay, the smoother of a transition it will be. If you're leveling quite well with your leveling setup, I'd say try to wait until 80ish. Once you have all the Mana Reservation nodes and can fill at least 2 Voices with your PH/EB/Heraldry Clusters, then transition. Transitioning too early and not feeling quite right will delay you immensely when you try to keep tweaking it to feel better.
I understand. But I must admit that now the damage from Storm Brand is little bit low, and EK is somewhat bad on single targets, at least for now. And I still have to go thru Uber lab. How did you deal with Uber lab at low level?
I started with a different version of the build initially, but had no trouble with doing Uber Lab solo at 75. Once you have several Heraldry/PH jewels allocated, it really starts to skyrocket. Making sure you have all of the Mana Reservation for your Auras to fully benefit from the PH Aura Effectiveness is key.
Posted byxZora#1105on Apr 29, 2020, 8:51:21 PM
PopePleb wrote:
zeneluvia wrote:
Guys, quick question:
If we have physical to lightning conversion from watcher's eye, is it still dps increase to use physical to lightning gem?
Or better to use other gem such as cold penetration for example?
don't know how I missed this from a few pages back but that's a big no no, we want to convert as much Phys to lightning as possible to abuse double dipping during conversion with CotBs, so please don't drop Phys to lightning gem even if you have the watcher's eye mod. On pob, Phys to lightning is about 64% of my overall dps
For some reason I see an 800k damage decrease with physical to lightning compared to controlled destruction. Am i missing something because I cant imagine thats true and everyone is using phys to lightning.
Edit: ok nm im not using wrath.... why am i not using wrath and how can i fit it in..
IGN PoopyPotter Last edited by Phloozy#2457 on Apr 29, 2020, 9:07:47 PM
Posted byPhloozy#2457on Apr 29, 2020, 9:02:12 PM