[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

hi, i would like to start this build using spark. i have about 60-80 exa budget but i can't find any pob for this skill. Could someone doing the build with spark link the pob to me? Thanks a lot to everyone.
finished all i wanted this league so if anyone is interested in buying my gears send me a message.

at lvl 100, 8.7k es (could get higher with a bit better jewels), 3.7k es regen... its crit arc version.

i can give discount if you buy everything at once which is preffered. prices are market based.

and to comment on a build it was great, did lvl 99 to 100 in like 3 days just runnin simulacrum and sextanted promenades with legion, strongboxes etc. one death on some random lag in simulacrum coz thank you ggg for not doing proper game effects and spawn mobs randomly...
Does it make sense to get a lab enchant on maligaro's? If yes, which one?

Ryodann wrote:
Hey guys! Decided to play this build before quitting league since I had a few ex remaining, leveled it today and started to assemble things. So far I'm level 81 with a few expensive and cheap things mixed together (perfil is open if anyone wants to see the character).

My question is about the voices. I'm currently using two 7 voices and have a third one on the bank waiting to be used (aka me getting 90+). However, I'm feeling that with 7 I won't get enough points till pretty late. Should I keep using those two voices and go for a Large Cluster until I farm a 5 one or should I keep the three 7?

Use x2 7p voices and 1x Large rare cluster with Vengeful Commander + 2 jewel sockets. Its best if the rare one also have 2 other random big passive skills, the reason is that way you will use minimum points to unlock the sockets and get Vengeful Commander. Rare one will save you 3 points compare to 7p voices. Also you will probably never have the points to use x3 7p voices, its better to stay with rare one till you buy 5p or 3p voices on my opinion.
Last edited by monoriee#3285 on Apr 25, 2020, 7:59:55 AM
How much impact in defense would it be if I replace my Presence of Chayula amulet into a rare amulet.
Dumb question - my auras are not showing at the top left of my screen like every else, but they are activated according to my skill bar...did I mess up something?

Edit: nvm, UI options.
Last edited by sMatthew9#7678 on Apr 25, 2020, 8:38:36 AM
neoseagull wrote:

What about the part where you die from chaos damage bypassing es? Assuming you aren't CI since you didn't mention it plus are using a shavs

coruscating flask :)
Tokogaru wrote:
It looks like we are allocating Ghost Reaver. I think I'm missing it, can someone point out that source of leech in the build?

Some are, others aren't. I for example don't use it and don't really feel the need to. Especially if you only have Voices5, there are way better nodes to take imo. I'm using Arc with Energy leech and vitality, but even without Vitality, i never had problems with my leech.
Do you guys think Secrets of Suffering is really worth the 2 passive points with Crit Arc, given that crit chance is high enough (e.g. using Bottled Faith)?
hey, maybe someone could help me. i don't know what the best next upgrade is.

My Hideout Stats:

-EK Dmg with Auras: 3M
ES: 6k

I want more ES but my Single Target Damage is also not soo good. so maybe you can help me.

You can look at my Profile

Have ~35ex to spend
Last edited by ToTec_#6657 on Apr 25, 2020, 1:59:44 PM

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