[3.11] Spellslinger VD Necromancer. All content. Easy and fast Sirus A8 kill. Wave 20 Simulacrum.

Etralis wrote:

Di you craft that shield you're using?
If yes - how did u do it?

MBXtreme end crafted it. Was posted a few pages back.
I initially copied this guide to near perfection, but the damage didn't feel too good. I decided not to go with Elemental Overload because I did more damage with crit-multi. Currently at 184% and the damage is respectable now.

Current gear is still open for improvement. Just haven't been able to find/craft the right items. I can still get way more life. I'm around 6.5K life, 800 ES.

One big problem I noticed with this build is attack speed. Better the speed, the more effective you'll be, so I looked around for some gloves with both spell damage and attack speed. Got lucky and bought this for 1ex

I also swapped out frenzy for culling strike, so I strictly use barrage.

More attack speed and cull has made the experience even smoother. Bosses are mostly a joke now (if you can avoid being one-shotted).

All my flasks have gain 1 charge on hit because some boss fights can be long, and with this build you rarely die to one-shots so getting those flask up in a pinch is nice.

For the Pantheon minor god, I chose Soul of Garukhan. Getting that extra evasion is a nice QoL. It adds a nice layer of defense on top the insane blocking you do all the time.

The only thing I wish I could do, is incorporate some stun block recovery. You block so much that you often get stuck in the animation if too many monsters try to gank you at once.
Last edited by KuroDubZero on May 6, 2020, 12:25:52 AM
Current gear is still open for improvement

Your wand is definitely an easy and cheap upgrade.
mrpaleehin wrote:
Current gear is still open for improvement

Your wand is definitely an easy and cheap upgrade.

I'm in the process of making a few upgrades to my other gear first. ATM I'm working on this helmet

Edit: For now I'm leaving it like this until I get more currency
Last edited by KuroDubZero on May 6, 2020, 3:07:52 AM

it would be nice if I could get a few tips for easy upgardes on my gear. My version is a bit different as I use the Brine Crown. Theory behind this was that first of all I was lacking cold resi at the moment I decided for it, second was the Frozen immunity and third was the fact that I am actually always stationary at Boss fights.

My bottles are chosen to improve my chaos res, my armor and my evasion rating in Boss fights. Basically I wanted to face tank.

I have no problem in Maps up to Tier 16 and 60% delirium except for the slow boss fights.

Any help that does not require me to change everything would be highly appreciated.
stoorzu wrote:
Someone can help me what items to change? i got only like 2ex .. And my dmg sucks vs bosses etc. :( literally no dmg vs bosses

Mate, it looks like you are missing some base game concepts.
Almost all your gems are without quality. Regardless of other gear pieces, without quality on gems you are just not ready for endgame content.
An average price for a corrupted gem 20/20 is about 20c, for most popular gems like Spellslinger it is about 5c, so for your 2 EX you can swap almost all your gems with 20/20 corrupted gems. It will be HUGE damage boost.

Your wand must be replaced. It must have either 2x flat fire dmg or +1 to fire skills + flat fire dmg. As multicraft is out of your budget, you need just one free suffix to craft trigger on it;

You have wrong flask setup. See Kelzar's excellent explanation about flasks 2-3 pages back

Last edited by T40K_Unnamed on May 6, 2020, 3:46:58 AM
VigorDracul wrote:

it would be nice if I could get a few tips for easy upgardes on my gear. My version is a bit different as I use the Brine Crown. Theory behind this was that first of all I was lacking cold resi at the moment I decided for it, second was the Frozen immunity and third was the fact that I am actually always stationary at Boss fights.

My bottles are chosen to improve my chaos res, my armor and my evasion rating in Boss fights. Basically I wanted to face tank.

I have no problem in Maps up to Tier 16 and 60% delirium except for the slow boss fights.

Any help that does not require me to change everything would be highly appreciated.

I think your wand and the second ring are the obvious candidates...
KuroDubZero wrote:

One big problem I noticed with this build is attack speed. Better the speed, the more effective you'll be, so I looked around for some gloves with both spell damage and attack speed. Got lucky and bought this for 1ex

APS is not a problem in this build sir:

1) We get 2% attack speed per corpse consumed on the last 4 seconds, which spawning tons of corpses and more and more as we consume per second, makes it not a problem.

2) DPS from VD and anything related to spellslinger is not related to APS: AKA 10 Attacks per second does not mean you will cast VD 10 times per second, since spellslinger has an internal cooldown

3) Since point 2, thats why spellslinger CDR enchant is better than +1 VD enchant

4) Since point 1, thats why you want a 1.5 APS wand, and not a 1.2 APS wand as you have, cuz your base attack speed is 33% slower than with a Imbued Wand with 1.5 APS

5) About spell damage on gloves: 16% spell damage equals to 1.3% raw DPS in my current PoB, instead 50% dmg increased against chilled mobs equals to 4.0% raw dps, and for example Flat DMG in gloves can be up to 2.5% dps

Short Story long, search gloves with Puhuarte Mod (Cold res and DMG vs chilled)

KuroDubZero wrote:
I also swapped out frenzy for culling strike, so I strictly use barrage.

More attack speed and cull has made the experience even smoother. Bosses are mostly a joke now (if you can avoid being one-shotted).

There you have a good idea, with a poor execution:

1) Culling strike is amazing, yes, its about 11% more DPS in paper

2) Removing Frenzy and use barrage, is an ok idea, but not to adding Culling Strike, since lose Frenzy Equals to lose 12% Attack Speed and 12% MORE damage. So removing Frenzy to Culling strike is actually a 2% DMG lose, but also a 12% attack speed lose

3) The way to implement this is:

Frenzy>Barrage Support>Curse on Hit>Ele Weakness

change to

Barrage>Awakened Curse on Hit Lvl 5>Ele Weakness>Flammability

You lose this way 12% attack speed and 12% damage from frenzy, but you win 32% DPS from 2nd curse, AKA +20% MORE dps

Then you can implement Culling strike through Wish for Death, which you can get into a medium cluster jewel of the Curse Effect style, or into a megalomaniac.

KuroDubZero wrote:

All my flasks have gain 1 charge on hit because some boss fights can be long, and with this build you rarely die to one-shots so getting those flask up in a pinch is nice.

The flask setup is kinda wrong:

1) You can play the route of using the preffix in all the flask of +1 charge when hit, can buy it.
2) You need 3 Immunities to play safe if you wanna get a level 100, or just for regular smooth gameplay: Curse, Bleed, Freeze
3) On the 4th magic flask you will ideally want an increased armour during flask mod (can go up to 100%)
4) You dont want Evasion and Dodge flask, simply because you are a max block with life on block build, aka you dont want to avoid the hits, you wanna make the hits so small that your life on block makes you even get more life back than you get hit for.

Thats why you want as much physical and elemental mitigation as possible. That flask I mention in there should be swapped to Basalt (15% additional phys reduction) and OF COURSE a RUMI (3000 armour, 10% spell block and 20% melee block)

Hope this helps to build better around,
have a great day
3.12 - Leveling to 100 on Sirus Kill: https://youtu.be/0z493V7yZ-E
Last edited by Kelzar on May 6, 2020, 4:11:23 AM
KuroDubZero wrote:
mrpaleehin wrote:
Current gear is still open for improvement

Your wand is definitely an easy and cheap upgrade.

I'm in the process of making a few upgrades to my other gear first. ATM I'm working on this helmet

Edit: For now I'm leaving it like this until I get more currency

If you have some currency to burn later definitely consider Awakener crafting this one for a chance to hit a really GG helmet.

I did a similar one yesterday that's a nice DPS boost but could've rolled some better stuff:

Donate item: Any warlord helmet, with -9 fire resistance as the only conqueror affix.
Target item: Hunter/Elder armour helmet with t1 added fire damage as the only elder/hunter affix, preferably ilvl 85+ (if you want to fossil craft it later), with 30% CDR Spellslinger of course. Best is obviously Bone Helmet but there are so few in existance so not really realistic.

Elder is much better to use since you can also hit Minion Damage, Area Damage or Spell Block :)

If the craft turns out with really bad secondary affixes you can try a shot with scorched + pristine fossils but the chances to hit both -9 fire res, high life AND t1/t2 fire damage is quite low. But if you have a few hundred fossils I'd say it's worth it if the original craft didn't turn out so good.

Kelzar wrote:

Hope this helps to build better around,
have a great day

Thx for the advice. Will definitely need to change some stuff now. This is my first time playing with spellslinger or volatile dead, so I wasn't sure how the mechanics worked.

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