[3.10] HOWA Anyskill Split Personality Juggernaut - Beyond expectation! (3000 INT, 13000 ES)

I've made a version with warcry clusters that is popular among many melee builds this league. Of course at the cost of some Energy shield and stats (i've dropped from 12k ES to 10k, -300int and -100 dex & str and -a bit accuracy).
But damage output is huge: even Lightning strike with ancestral call destroys t15 bosses in far delirium fog in 1 second!
Here's a pastebin https://pastebin.com/yhkxJMJG

19-20 wave of simulacrum https://youtu.be/3UpN2lOyRqE
Last edited by lehlehich#6576 on Jun 1, 2020, 2:36:58 PM
Is there a bug where Blood stance does not increase tooltip dmg of molten strikes?

It increases for my cyclone slayer but not for this build.
lehlehich wrote:
I've made a version with warcry clusters that is popular among many melee builds this league. Of course at the cost of some Energy shield and stats (i've dropped from 12k ES to 10k, -300int and -100 dex & str and -a bit accuracy).
But damage output is huge: even Lightning strike with ancestral call destroys t15 bosses in far delirium fog in 1 second!
Here's a pastebin https://pastebin.com/yhkxJMJG

19-20 wave of simulacrum https://youtu.be/3UpN2lOyRqE

I'm afraid Berserk have a bit MORE dmg then Jug ) и скорее всего суть даже не в кластерах, а самом классе.
WinKeeper wrote:
lehlehich wrote:
I've made a version with warcry clusters that is popular among many melee builds this league. Of course at the cost of some Energy shield and stats (i've dropped from 12k ES to 10k, -300int and -100 dex & str and -a bit accuracy).
But damage output is huge: even Lightning strike with ancestral call destroys t15 bosses in far delirium fog in 1 second!
Here's a pastebin https://pastebin.com/yhkxJMJG

19-20 wave of simulacrum https://youtu.be/3UpN2lOyRqE

I'm afraid Berserk have a bit MORE dmg then Jug ) и скорее всего суть даже не в кластерах, а самом классе.

You misunderstood the point of my twist on your build. Its not about using berserker ascendancy class, its still using Juggernaut, but with warcry medium clusters to gain RAGE and spend rage on Berserk skill to have even more damage for a decent duration.
(Berserker ascendancy is better on Berserk skill uptime due to additional +100% cd recovery speed of warcries: they have ~1 sec cooldown against 2 sec on jugg).


Вы перепутали класс восхождения с умением "берсерк". Суть моей переделки в том, чтоб к Вашему билду Покорителя добавить механику Ярости от кластерных самоцветов

и тратить эту ярость на боссах с помощью

I have another video of me flexin' Conquerors & Sirus kills.

Last edited by lehlehich#6576 on Jun 5, 2020, 2:36:08 PM
dotzor wrote:
Is there a bug where Blood stance does not increase tooltip dmg of molten strikes?

It increases for my cyclone slayer but not for this build.

Blood stance gives more damage to AREA attacks so it affects only magma balls from MS. Melee part seems to be a single-target ability with minimum splash area (tooltip shows only melee hit damage so you dont see any changes. You should import your character to Path of Building to see any effect).
As for this build, majority of damage comes from magma balls, so Blood and Sand gives significant bonus.
Last edited by lehlehich#6576 on Jun 5, 2020, 2:34:22 PM
lehlehich wrote:
WinKeeper wrote:
lehlehich wrote:
I've made a version with warcry clusters that is popular among many melee builds this league. Of course at the cost of some Energy shield and stats (i've dropped from 12k ES to 10k, -300int and -100 dex & str and -a bit accuracy).
But damage output is huge: even Lightning strike with ancestral call destroys t15 bosses in far delirium fog in 1 second!
Here's a pastebin https://pastebin.com/yhkxJMJG

19-20 wave of simulacrum https://youtu.be/3UpN2lOyRqE

I'm afraid Berserk have a bit MORE dmg then Jug ) и скорее всего суть даже не в кластерах, а самом классе.

You misunderstood the point of my twist on your build. Its not about using berserker ascendancy class, its still using Juggernaut, but with warcry medium clusters to gain RAGE and spend rage on Berserk skill to have even more damage for a decent duration.
(Berserker ascendancy is better on Berserk skill uptime due to additional +100% cd recovery speed of warcries: they have ~1 sec cooldown against 2 sec on jugg).


Вы перепутали класс восхождения с умением "берсерк". Суть моей переделки в том, чтоб к Вашему билду Покорителя добавить механику Ярости от кластерных самоцветов

и тратить эту ярость на боссах с помощью

I have another video of me flexin' Conquerors & Sirus kills.

Oh, i see. Indeed great solo target DPS and nice mech.
Few questions :

- Why not using Fan of Blade ? It provide an extra proj to MS working exactly the same as extra proj from Wildfire, helmet enchant, or dying sun.

- Why not playing Conc Effect in MS setup ? It's one of the most powerfull gems in terme of more dmg. And it's perfect for MS, while it prevent meat balls to go too far from us. It's extremly powerfull on boss.
It can be easily played with switching AC for Multistrike on boss.

- Why not playing Tribal Fury as an annoint ? It's works just like an extra Ancestral Call proc, and will add a source of balls.

Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 on Jun 9, 2020, 8:58:55 AM
Few questions :

- Why not using Fan of Blade ? It provide an extra proj to MS working exactly the same as extra proj from Wildfire, helmet enchant, or dying sun.

- Why not playing Conc Effect in MS setup ? It's one of the most powerfull gems in terme of more dmg. And it's perfect for MS, while it prevent meat balls to go too far from us. It's extremly powerfull on boss.
It can be easily played with switching AC for Multistrike on boss.

- Why not playing Tribal Fury as an annoint ? It's works just like an extra Ancestral Call proc, and will add a source of balls.

Didn't test with Extra projectile. I pref penetration and leach over extra.

If we need more single target dps i just switch Ancestral Call for Inspiration Support (same dps as Conc). U can use Conc if u like for that purpose.

Strange question if u look at the passive points management you can clearly see them each of them matters. And if we pick Fury we loose a lot of Int from Utmost. If we gonna pick it manually -5 passive points.
Wildfire no longer grants Molten Strike additional projectiles or area of effect. Instead, it now allows Molten Strike projectiles to chain and gives them +1 chain, but halves the number of projectiles created.

Some of Path of Exile’s “threshold jewels” encourage different playstyles for the skills they interact with. Others just buff the skill. We’re slowly moving towards the former type, making changes to existing threshold jewels that feel mandatory for their skill. Wildfire used to provide a large, almost-free boost to Molten Strike’s damage. It has now been completely redesigned to create a new playstyle for Molten Strike, covering much more area with bouncing magma balls but dealing lower single target damage. Molten Strike’s damage has been buffed to compensate for the loss of old Wildfire. The distance travelled by its projectiles also properly scales with projectile speed now, letting you control their spread as much as you like.

Interesting change to Wildfire / Molten Strike. I wonder if it will just be worthwhile to drop Wildfire for another Split Personality now.
WinKeeper wrote:
Didn't test with Extra projectile. I pref penetration and leach over extra.

If we need more single target dps i just switch Ancestral Call for Inspiration Support (same dps as Conc). U can use Conc if u like for that purpose.

Strange question if u look at the passive points management you can clearly see them each of them matters. And if we pick Fury we loose a lot of Int from Utmost. If we gonna pick it manually -5 passive points.

1. You don't need to replace all lightning large cluster by claw & dagger for multiple Fan of Blades cluster (even if it's extremly strong). 1 jewel is good.
This buff is way more effective if max number of magma balls is low.
And if you are playing a flat ES on hit watcher's eye, this means more leech. So it's not only extra dmg.

2. Inspiration is caped to 5 stacks, and each stack provide 7% more elemental dmg. It will provide at best, 35% more dmg. Conc Effect provide up to 55% more dmg (at lvl 21). And on top of this, Conc Effect prevent balls to travel far away. So this means more balls will hit against a boss. Few leagues ago I played Conc Effect and Inspiration instead of Elemental Focus in my Molten Strike setup, in order to Shock. But since the introduction of Skitterbot, I don't see any reason to keep Inspiration. Imho the most powerfull setup should be : MS - Conc Effect - Awak Elem Focus - Dmg on Full Life - AC (mapping) or Multistrike (bossing).

3. Yeah, I was talking about spending 5 point for Utmost Intelect. But Tribal Fury means you will have from 7 to 9 extra balls that will proc. It's more clear speed in maping, so more hit, then more leech (especialy if you are playing +20-30ES on hit watcher's eye). And against boss, if you switch Ancestral Call for Multistrike, you will still have an extra hit that will proc all your magma balls, so with a proper position, this means adding almost 100% more dmg (if all balls hits the boss ofc).
Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 on Jun 12, 2020, 8:09:46 AM

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