[3.10] HOWA Anyskill Split Personality Juggernaut - Beyond expectation! (3000 INT, 13000 ES)

lehlehich wrote:

I've tried Charged dash with this build on 93 lvl. 2500 int 501 dex 504 str 10900 ES so far. POB with community fork(it calculates split personality btw) tells it has 2m dps (+300% attack speed modifier). On practice i stack 11-12 stacks of charge and kill t15 bosses with 2-3 releases (thats 5-6 sec). Molten strike without helmet enchant in 1 target does the job 1.5 times slower. May be this build as before shines brigher with channeling skills like blade flurry or charged dash.
To be honest, charged dash feels uncomfortable.

I'm trying Trickster with Charged dash (VERY inspired on this build Tree and jewels) and it really looks like its any skill.
Respecc'd 2 points for a slot to place The Golden rule and boots The Red Trail + Puncture for harder bosses so I dont run out of Frenzy charges and ofc as you might already guessed, Charged dash for Flicker strike and it just work lmao. It doesnt have a great single target but it does work, always wanted to do a Flicker Strike character :)
2.5k int and no 1% inc dmg per 15 int. BTW , do you really feel the difference on dmg with that mod? I could use some more dmg right now.
Last edited by kikeuy#7591 on May 12, 2020, 8:38:45 PM
I've started my character by crafting
, so i did'nt test my damage before that stat. To think of it, 169% increased damage (~2500 int) is a lot for this build, becouse all passives are used only on stats/sockets with a bit of investment in % damage from cluster jewels: POB gives 346% total increased damage and 169% from amulet is roughly a half of that number.

Also, i'm consearned that with charged dash i'm not so tanky as with molten /lightning strike. I've done some runs with
and i died a few times while fighting legion rares on t16 map. Its area of effect is not that great even with helmet enchant.
Last edited by lehlehich#6576 on May 13, 2020, 9:41:24 AM
lehlehich wrote:
I've started my character by crafting
, so i did'nt test my damage before that stat. To think of it, 169% increased damage (~2500 int) is a lot for this build, becouse all passives are used only on stats/sockets with a bit of investment in % damage from cluster jewels: POB gives 346% total increased damage and 169% from amulet is roughly a half of that number.

Also, i'm consearned that with charged dash i'm not so tanky as with molten /lightning strike. I've done some runs with
and i died a few times while fighting legion rares on t16 map. Its area of effect is not that great even with helmet enchant.

I dont know if its Jugg being Jugg and his end charges or if Charged dash is just worst than MS for taking advantage of ES gain from watcher eye but I definetely cant stand on Shaper's Kameha like OP Jugg. Also CDash feels so clunky while clearing , it seems that the steering is so much intuitive on consoles.
CDash's Shaper dps is fine IF the boss got the debuffs , that's again with 2.5k int w/o 1% dmg per int mod on amulet. I was asking for that mod not because I feel CDash dmg is low but for Flicker Strike. Flicker Strike is so fun and feel so much better at clear than CDash but for single target is not good , its ... let's say "ViAblE"
I'll probably try to craft a decent amulet.
lehlehich wrote:
I've encountered this body armour

This item seems to perfectly match this build.
Divinity gives juicy 50% MORE elemental damage, 20% less elemental damage taken and curse immunity. Adding this numbers as flat mods to POB gives ~30% more dps to all damage with a cost of 5% ele damage taken.
This build accumulates a lot of hits per second so i think sustaining Divinity buff would not be a problem.
Moreover there are some garbs with 3% increased attributes.
What do you think, guys?

Update: i've read comments on reddit about this chest. The buff uptime is 45-50% so its not that great.

i realy wonder if someone has try this body armor looks realy good.
gisabelle wrote:
lehlehich wrote:
I've encountered this body armour

This item seems to perfectly match this build.
Divinity gives juicy 50% MORE elemental damage, 20% less elemental damage taken and curse immunity. Adding this numbers as flat mods to POB gives ~30% more dps to all damage with a cost of 5% ele damage taken.
This build accumulates a lot of hits per second so i think sustaining Divinity buff would not be a problem.
Moreover there are some garbs with 3% increased attributes.
What do you think, guys?

Update: i've read comments on reddit about this chest. The buff uptime is 45-50% so its not that great.

i realy wonder if someone has try this body armor looks realy good.

Divine charge gaining has 1 sec cooldown so you will need minimum 10 seconds to stack them then you will get Divinity buff. After you will need another 10 seconds (considering that you would have a target to strike, so for bossing - its awful). In plain math: 50% of time (in reality 40-47%) you will inflict 150% ele damage and 50% of time (60-53%) - 100%. 100+150 / 2 = 125% so in the long run its the same as Incandescend heart for damage. For defence its worse: you will take 100% of ele damage for 10 sec and then 80% for another 10 sec.
Ok thanks
so for our body armor what is the best corrupt +1 to socketed gem or +40/45%increased damage ?
gisabelle wrote:
Ok thanks
so for our body armor what is the best corrupt +1 to socketed gem or +40/45%increased damage ?

Difference is very minor between them, but 40/45 inc damage is better by 0,65%.
Last edited by lehlehich#6576 on May 14, 2020, 3:03:25 PM
Great build. I was bored and switched from int stacking to herald stacking and the damage went through the roof (POB said 6m DPS compared to 800k). 100% recommend if you have the $.
ongnamogurudevnamo wrote:
DawnOfDusk_ wrote:
Great build. I was bored and switched from int stacking to herald stacking and the damage went through the roof (POB said 6m DPS compared to 800k). 100% recommend if you have the $.

After reaching 100 with the jugg, i planned to go for Herald... Then i said myself, why would i do that when i already melt guardians in few seconds, have chaos immunity, get 15-20k ES and can afk in sirus meteor.
Also this build can probably grind maps slighty faster than herald build
when it is fully geared and using frostblade.

Herald stacking can reach insane amount of damages and ofc, you 1-2 shots guardians but it's possibly overrated build especially for those who plans to push 100 in a safe way or for map fast clearing. + everyone playing the same build is kind of meh. The scion version looks faster and more fun than the guardian one tho : )

For the juggs here who reached 100 or reached their level goal and still want to have fun with the character, i suggest to replace a few int/ES split by int/dext split, the attack speed will be insane. I dropped from 19k to 13k ES but combined with tailwind boots, the damages are juming into a new dimension (and so the map farm speed).

You are right. I played this build last league and earlier this league. Still trying things out. Currently, I'm playing scion version and to be honest, I feel a lot smoother, faster, and kinda tankie (9k ES with Headhunter and 1 replenishing). And I calculate the cost to run a herald stacking and int stacking. Much cheaper to run a herald stacking at this moment and you can get so much more damage. Just a suggestion :) Still love BIG JUGG
Last edited by DawnOfDusk_#4085 on May 15, 2020, 1:54:05 AM
Hello guys, I would like to buy Watcher's eye with Clarity/ES and other good mod for this build. Could you please advise me which mod is good for this build? I am thinking about Precision attack speed or attack dmg and Discipline ES faster recharge or ES recovery rate. Thank you:)

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