What We're Working On

LeetbakaDX wrote:

So why write about your fps at all ? Streamer's, normal players, people with beast computers all have this issue, you act like a shill, talk like a shill and now you wanna be mad that someone pointed it out ?

PLease do explain what part of your post was required to say its a good league other than the last sentence.

As for never having FPS issues ever, keep shilling bro.

You literally made a joke like haha suckers with good graphics cards cant play the game and made it out like its their fault , yet here you are talking more dumb shit.

No one cares about your supporter packs.

"So why write about your fps at all ?" Can't write about MY experience? LOL fuck off

"act like a shill, talk like a shill and now you wanna be mad that someone pointed it out ?" You clearly don't know what a shill is, you're the one who is mad to come out of no where comment on my response to another person but ok mr.keyboard warrior.

Yes "made it out like it's their fault" LOL
Sad that the internet is filled with mentally ill people like you that imagine things in their head instead of reading what is written.

"No one cares about your supporter packs" You clearly do ;)
Last edited by japaloco#4506 on Mar 22, 2020, 6:40:12 PM
Drop rates also bugged and normal mobs are dealing more damage than normal.

Got a 3k damage from a normal map(with no modifiers).

Nice silent patch GGG, but it DID NOT FIX Buffer error, [Removed by Support], game is not playuable for 3 days already, what are you doing? Not just for me, for everyone, check Tech support reports
Last edited by Al_GGG#0000 on Mar 23, 2020, 7:57:49 AM
Kind of ridiculous boss kills dont even count as being under the influence of delirium if you dont kill them before the timer appears which means you have maybe a few seconds in most cases to kill any given boss

Really shoddy season, you guys. This did not bring any joy at all.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
Sry GGG. I don't know what happened here but its a mess.

Lot's of grey screens because i can't seem to load any assets, neither in my h/o nor in some map-areas. Which wasnt a probelm i ever experienced in any league before nor in any other game.

League-mechanic wise, you can't have the cake and eat it. How some HC players didnt commit suicide after the first 2 days is beyond believe. The Delirium encounters were tuned up to eleven, which is okay i guess since you know what you get after the first 1-2 encounters (and first 1-2 rips obviously). Then it's up to the player when and how he is going to run those encounters

But as a SC player i felt sad when i read that some delirium encounters lost up tp 50% of their effect, since by then i re-rolled a tanky-ass spellslinger so i could do all the content and now the time investment wasnt worth it because i could just have facerolled it with a T3 cyclone build. I myself didnt want it to be easy, maybe just a bit more rewarding for how hard it was. I still dont what what this league is suppose to be and by now im just kinda done with it.

I really dont wanna hate on GGG, never would. I love this game, i love how you interact with the community. But let's just call it as it is: POE is not ONE game, its a different game every league. And this one won't be remembered as my favorite one
Last edited by Der_Fraggle#5958 on Mar 23, 2020, 7:36:54 AM
The whole league is kind of a sad story in this state, trailers up, everyone feels excited and assume this league would be another good one, turn out to be a sea of grey with ZERO VISIBILITY of what monster do. GGG doesn’t want us to vacuum loot, yet that is not the problem. The visibility is the problem! When you stop and don’t know what is on the ground you are prone to one shot. Back to the volatile monster era.
Dear art department, STOP THINKING AND DESIGNING IN MONOCHROME!! Design a nice visual with complimentary colours, or three colour combo. Learn more about readibility, X colour on X background is always bad. IMO, Delve is a good example, there are blue, and yellow/gold which complements each others. Or breach when the colours is so contrast with the surrounding. I’m trying as hard as I can to give another example but other league is just monochrome, black on black, green on green etc. people will feel skilled when they can dodge a well telegraphed attacks, they cannot do that if they don’t see or hear it. you seems to have forgot to give the fundamentals of good telegraphed attack, ALWAYS GIVE A GOOD ANTICIPATION. I know you’re all better than this, if there’s a thing in the back there that gave you problems, let us know, such as the difficulty making PoE 2. Don’t let us gamer be ignorant of your struggle, not everything is an achievement and record. Making games is hard but you can always educate us a little about what happen.
After a week of playing I think I’m gonna sit this trough. If things go better, I came back, If I like what I see, I’ll be sure to support you guys. Until then, there’s so much more things to play. See you
might_99 wrote:
The whole league is kind of a sad story in this state, trailers up, everyone feels excited and assume this league would be another good one, turn out to be a sea of grey with ZERO VISIBILITY of what monster do. GGG doesn’t want us to vacuum loot, yet that is not the problem. The visibility is the problem! When you stop and don’t know what is on the ground you are prone to one shot. Back to the volatile monster era.
Dear art department, STOP THINKING AND DESIGNING IN MONOCHROME!! Design a nice visual with complimentary colours, or three colour combo. Learn more about readibility, X colour on X background is always bad. IMO, Delve is a good example, there are blue, and yellow/gold which complements each others. Or breach when the colours is so contrast with the surrounding. I’m trying as hard as I can to give another example but other league is just monochrome, black on black, green on green etc. people will feel skilled when they can dodge a well telegraphed attacks, they cannot do that if they don’t see or hear it. you seems to have forgot to give the fundamentals of good telegraphed attack, ALWAYS GIVE A GOOD ANTICIPATION. I know you’re all better than this, if there’s a thing in the back there that gave you problems, let us know, such as the difficulty making PoE 2. Don’t let us gamer be ignorant of your struggle, not everything is an achievement and record. Making games is hard but you can always educate us a little about what happen.
After a week of playing I think I’m gonna sit this trough. If things go better, I came back, If I like what I see, I’ll be sure to support you guys. Until then, there’s so much more things to play. See you

Dude, very well said! Good somebody sees the other side of the medal. Big thumbs up on your viewpoint.
Mentoya wrote:
Black__Dawn wrote:
mongoen11 wrote:
Imagine being so childish that you post something like "gg league dead" after less than a week of delirium being out. In that time, 3 patches have already come out in order to address the community's concerns and its clear that GGG is making a lot of effort to make us happy yet there are people who are "fans" of this game who have been playing "since 1.0" that believe this is unacceptable? Holy shit you guys sound like the most spoiled idiots in the world. You do understand that no product will ever come out without issues and it takes feedback to be able to address these issues, right? If you truly believe this league is dead because of this, I suggest you go play Diablo 3 where there is new content every 8 months and there is never anything new except for a slight meta change each season.

I'd rather play a game where the company introduces new content for its players and takes risks and then listens to feedback and fixes those issues than play a game that doesn't take risk and plays the safe card by not releasing anything. Ever.

The reason poe is such broken mess is because peeps like you swallow any shit they pump out and religiously buying packs and wings.

So what's new? Campaign you've been running 500 hundred times for years like a braindead zombie, labyrinth a millionth time anyone. You don't need anything new, just a new 'league' name, new hype, new pog. And then mobs just appear in an expanding circle, follow the line etc.
They can release their trash leagues every day or every year or never but it must work. If it doesn't they can f off together with all the shills.

So tell me your PERFECT RPG game that
#1 never makes mistakes and nobody complains about
#2 LISTENS to the community like GGG does.....
Have fund with Diablo!! Crybaby!

Ok, cry neckbeard, I'll put it the way even you can understand (probably).
There is nothing perfect but same bs every time on top of previous bs which wasn't even fixed should raise the alarm even among dimwits.
Stepping on the same rake 40 times in a row is a sign of serious issue, ask your doctor what it's called.
rip again after screen freeze games client isnt ready for the grafics i asume rip poe fingers crossed for poe 2 and ofcourse bring more shiny armor sets into the game what makes engine heat up even more
pls fix servers! its so laggy and so many lost maps
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