[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

nvm im dumb
Last edited by DotsandDashes on Apr 2, 2020, 8:29:33 PM

I have a question for you where you put the mod: cannont be frozen and chilled
and what else could I change
Is this build just not doable without the Watcher's Eye? I'm sitting at 5.5k ES with 43ex between me and not getting one shot anymore.

Last edited by igranier on Apr 2, 2020, 7:35:28 PM
igranier wrote:
Is this build just not doable without the Watcher's Eye? I'm sitting at 5.5k ES with 43ex between me and not getting one shot anymore.

You need to use Sanctuary of thought before you get the Watchers Eye
Last edited by Xuvali on Apr 2, 2020, 8:32:30 PM

I have a question for you where you put the mod: cannont be frozen and chilled
and what else could I change

I'd Recommend using a Quicksilver like this for now or switching a ring to a dream fragments until you can get a watchers eye and switch to Arcane Blessing

You don't need watcher's eye at all. At all. Whether you are at 2 or 2.5 mil doesn't really matter. Look at other builds that hardly get to 700K.

It's an overrated, way overpriced piece for the really, really rich folks. And in some way a way for others to show off how rich they are.

I'm doing just fine without it now. Running a non crit atm.

Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 3, 2020, 12:40:21 AM
Zweetsok wrote:
You don't need watcher's eye at all. At all. Whether you are at 2 or 2.5 mil doesn't really matter. Look at other builds that hardly get to 700K.

It's an overrated, way overpriced piece for the really, really rich folks. And in some way a way for others to show off how rich they are.

I'm doing just fine without it now. Running a non crit atm.

unlearning sanctuary of thought is a 70% dmg boost and you need the watcher's eye to have at least 7k es
Fair enough but in the process (at least in my opinion) making it more clunky.. Brand cost is so high after that you can only cast 1 and waiting for it to regen or use flask.. Ofc.. you'll do a lot more damage with that 1 or 2 brands but still..

I tried it without and it doesn't feel as smooth for me.

And budget is key it seems..
Last edited by Zweetsok on Apr 3, 2020, 3:05:24 AM
For anyone into mapping/high mobility, I recommend incorporating Empower (L4 ideally) and a L7 Brand Recall into a 4L (with Second Wind and Surge or whatever). Play style dependent but I wanted to be able to re-focus my brands as needed as often as possible.

Thank you for this build - one of my favorites so far.
IGN: Zergtrap
igranier wrote:
Is this build just not doable without the Watcher's Eye? I'm sitting at 5.5k ES with 43ex between me and not getting one shot anymore.

I have 10k ES and around 2.3m Shaper dps (and I'm non-crit with Elemental Overload) and I don't have the Watcher Eye. As mentioned you do go Sanctuary of Thought until you get that. Hell I already melt things with this damage, if I got a ES Watcher's Eye I'd just stay Sanctuary of Thought. I hate dying.
Last edited by Synthetica_ on Apr 3, 2020, 7:05:33 AM

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