Help! Cant play the game because of huge fps loss

Its amazing how GGG able to decrase peformance of game each league. After 3.10 i got +25 % CPU load even in hideout. Just like that. What change? Maybe game now look differently? No. Just run worse. I cant even open ordinary breach, because that mean i got 15-20 fps with stutters.
brzroman wrote:
I have big perfomance loss since update.
Mapping experience became much worse - in 3.9 I've got reasonable FPS (maybe 60 in maps, and 30-40 in difficult moments - big packs, effects, etc), in 3.10 I sometimes have totally unplayable framerate (below 20) + resolution drop.

Once again to all, if you want more than just a "PoE works fine on my hardware" troll type of response you've got to include your hardware specs (cpu, gpu, ram, drive, OS version) in order to be able to be more helpful. I've been there where you're at with years of performance headaches so I have experienced bad and good QoP and can help, but only with enough hardware info. GGG is woefully bad at technical advice on what to do and it's more than likely that a low PassMark score on your cpu is the cause of bad fps and frame rates crashes (such as single digit fps battling Metamorph creatures. Yes, been there and experienced that.) so I know how bad PoE is and was most of the time on QoP.

With the multi-tasking change in PoE 3.10:
  • Improved engine multi-threading, and added support for 16 logical cores (previously 8), meaning Path of Exile can better utilise high-end CPUs now.

GGG is tuning PoE for optimizing for 8 core cpus with hyper-threading and by doing so is quite possibly foobar-ing thread timing on 4 core cpus. If GGG is trying to run more code threads than the cpu physically has available then Windows will be doing a lot of processor state saves and reloads to swap code threads among the physical processor cores and that's very time consuming and will definitely kill your framerate.

One thing I can take from this change is that PoE processing loads have gone up with patch 3.10 so that Delirium needs to use more threads in order to maintain the same framerate performance levels. Where 8 was good enough for Metamorph league, now Delirium is more cpu intensive. We were all worried that the Delirium fog effects could pose a serious problem and cause big time frame rate drops/crashes and it appears that our concerns are justified (no matter what technical method GGG is using to produce the fog effects).

I wish GGG would produce a technical document news post that explains this so we can all be understanding that PoE sucks on performance on a 4 core cpu. But I guess GGG doesn't want to come clean and update the PoE minimum specs for good fps so as to not scare off a ton of potential players if they see "8 core cpu required" in the PoE requirements list.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Mar 18, 2020, 2:00:57 AM
Same here the game is not playable anymore. game just freezes 1 or 2 secs the go again and again. Since delirium has been released POE is not playable anymore
Ever since the last patch a day ago tons of people with good PC's that had 0 issues before then and before this league are experiencing huge FPS loss. Even I am experiencing insane latency spikes and huge FPS loss during things such as conqueror map spawns, opening legion, delerium, opening strongboxes, etc. When literally a day before the last patch I experienced 0 issues with anything in the game, nor have I ever had this bad of an issue playing.

My computer is a year old and handles every other game flawlessly.

i7 8700k
GTX 2080
brzroman wrote:
I have big perfomance loss since update.
Mapping experience became much worse - in 3.9 I've got reasonable FPS (maybe 60 in maps, and 30-40 in difficult moments - big packs, effects, etc), in 3.10 I sometimes have totally unplayable framerate (below 20) + resolution drop.

Again, and I can't stress this enough, I believe the days of running PoE on only a 4 core cpu (even if it is multi-threaded so 8 code threads can run at once) are over. My personal experience over 2019 on Windows 7 where framerate crashes became more and more frequent with each new league such that finally in October I had to switch over to Predictive mode (Lockstep just wasn't working any more) is my personal bad experience proof. That definitely helped but still I was severely frame rate limited (< 50fps in my hideout). Like everyone else large mob packs and boss fights were painful to do because of < 20 fps and with some Metamorph creatures with a shitload of fx < 10 fps frequently. There isn't a damn thing we can do except find a hardware combination with an 8 core cpu with a > 10 K PassMark score (that's my baseline until more info gets posted) and make sure you run on Windows 10 1909 (latest version) to get optimal OS code multi-threading timing. We can all rag of GGG until our fingers get sore from pounding our keyboards complaining but GGG is definitely in "between a rock and a hard place" with their home rolled game engine. They can't just convert over to a commercial game engine now (that ship has long since sailed) and they don't have any code magic up their sleeves to make any dramatic jumps in fps. So that only leaves us with finding a cpu + motherboard combo + medium video card or better + 16 GB ram or higher that can run PoE well.

For all players seeking a golden solution as I finally found you must look at your PassMark cpu score and if below 10K then PoE just won't play well. I wish someone with a 6 core cpu that plays PoE with high framerates all the time would come in and post their game rig specs so we can get a baseline on the 6 core cpu and if there is even one that does work well with PoE. Does anyone have such a gaming rig? Please post your specs. Thank you.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Laere wrote:
Ever since the last patch a day ago tons of people with good PC's that had 0 issues before then and before this league are experiencing huge FPS loss. Even I am experiencing insane latency spikes and huge FPS loss during things such as conqueror map spawns, opening legion, delerium, opening strongboxes, etc. When literally a day before the last patch I experienced 0 issues with anything in the game, nor have I ever had this bad of an issue playing.

My computer is a year old and handles every other game flawlessly.

i7 8700k
GTX 2080

Your cpu specs are certainly very good (better than mine) and gpu is great. That only leaves your Internet connection (as long as you're on Windows 10 1909?) as the cause of performance problems. But as you stated you get insane latency spikes. High Internet latency spikes will definitely wreck PoE and cause framerate crashes. I'm in SW Florida on Comcast to Miami and from there it's the usually bad NetworkLayer fiber to Houston and on to the Dallas PoE realm I play on. The WDC realm is unplayable with the Atlanta to WDC NetworkLayer fiber foobar-ing my framerates all the time so how you are being routed over the Internet can kill your PoE fps.

I read a post of someone outside the USA having super bad latency with the normal routing from his ISP to the PoE realm (I think he was in China) and his solution was to get a VPN so that his PoE routing first went to his VPN gateway and then on to the PoE realm servers. By forcing his PoE Internet path to go a different way he was able to bypass an Internet hardware bottleneck that killed his framerates. With my current gaming rig hardware the normal Comcast link to Miami and then NetworkLayer the reset of the way to Dallas is working surprisingly well so I don't have any experience using a VPN service to change my Internet route to lower Internet latency.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
This solved mine:
Turn off Vsync
Set Foreground FPS cap to 60/75 or based on your monitor refresh rate
Set Background FPS cap to 60/75

I hope this help.
My POE client is running smoothly after this. (I had huge FPS drop after latest patch, especially when there are too many toons onscreen, ex: zombies + skeletons + mobs + spectres, etc... and also whenever my vortex kill too fast)
Fps Loss, UNEXPECTED DISCONECTION 15 times in 1 h, literally i did act 9 maps so meany times im lvl 72 now, because i have dc before i can reach check piont.
Game is seriously broken, well maby the problem is stacking every mechanic on top of eachother is just tooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuch. To meany ligs in 1 lig eventually broke game . GZ.
Arrowneous wrote:
Laere wrote:
Ever since the last patch a day ago tons of people with good PC's that had 0 issues before then and before this league are experiencing huge FPS loss. Even I am experiencing insane latency spikes and huge FPS loss during things such as conqueror map spawns, opening legion, delerium, opening strongboxes, etc. When literally a day before the last patch I experienced 0 issues with anything in the game, nor have I ever had this bad of an issue playing.

My computer is a year old and handles every other game flawlessly.

i7 8700k
GTX 2080

Your cpu specs are certainly very good (better than mine) and gpu is great. That only leaves your Internet connection (as long as you're on Windows 10 1909?) as the cause of performance problems. But as you stated you get insane latency spikes. High Internet latency spikes will definitely wreck PoE and cause framerate crashes. I'm in SW Florida on Comcast to Miami and from there it's the usually bad NetworkLayer fiber to Houston and on to the Dallas PoE realm I play on. The WDC realm is unplayable with the Atlanta to WDC NetworkLayer fiber foobar-ing my framerates all the time so how you are being routed over the Internet can kill your PoE fps.

I read a post of someone outside the USA having super bad latency with the normal routing from his ISP to the PoE realm (I think he was in China) and his solution was to get a VPN so that his PoE routing first went to his VPN gateway and then on to the PoE realm servers. By forcing his PoE Internet path to go a different way he was able to bypass an Internet hardware bottleneck that killed his framerates. With my current gaming rig hardware the normal Comcast link to Miami and then NetworkLayer the reset of the way to Dallas is working surprisingly well so I don't have any experience using a VPN service to change my Internet route to lower Internet latency.

Lmao, you repeating yourself over and over again doesn't make you right. It's not core related, shut up. I'm not taking performance advice from someone with a 4 chevo score that obviously hasn't spent enough time with Delirium, especially when GGG have said its a fuck up on their end.
Last edited by Haldir111#7911 on Apr 20, 2020, 7:53:08 AM

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