DeadlyTrade for 3.12 Heist Hotfix - Stash Tab Grid (2020.11.23)

Amazing add on, thank you so much for your work.

In preparation for new league I notice that the act helper does not work.

I have a section of the overlay with bar top, gap and then korean language bar again. Everything works fine, is there a certain path I may be missing in the config?

Either way, love this app- as a new player it has made my life so much easier! I would also suggest adding in an easier way to donate money to your cause for your work.. maybe a quick paypal where we can buy you a beer for your efforts!
Fraguletto wrote:
Amazing add on, thank you so much for your work.

In preparation for new league I notice that the act helper does not work.

I have a section of the overlay with bar top, gap and then korean language bar again. Everything works fine, is there a certain path I may be missing in the config?

Either way, love this app- as a new player it has made my life so much easier! I would also suggest adding in an easier way to donate money to your cause for your work.. maybe a quick paypal where we can buy you a beer for your efforts!

Thanks you for your so much kind words. I didn't know that Act helper did not working proper now. I will check that before add-on update for upcoming harvest 3.11 league.

Stay healthy and have a nice day 😊 gl & hf.
Hello 👋 everyone. This is DeadlyCrush 😄.

I'm preparing for an add-on update for the upcoming Harvest 3.11 League. And I'm going to update a few new features besides Vulkan support and Price checking. Because of Vulkan, i've changed logic and code, 50% over.

COVID-19 has changed some of the working environment, so my personal time, I played POE with wife, and practice the streaming environment to explain after the add-on update. yea I'm having a good time.

I hope COVID-19 situation is stabilizied. I wish you guys always take care, stay healthy and have a good day.

I'll let you know details of add-on update progression at work in progress channel (

Thank you all of you. 🙏 😊

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안녕하세요 데들리크러쉬입니다 😄.

다가오는 Harvest 3.11 리그에 대비해서 애드온 업데이트를 준비하고 있습니다. 그리고 Vulkan 지원과 가격확인 기능 외에 몇 가지 새로운 기능들을 업데이트 예정입니다. Vulkan 때문에 로직과 코드를 50% 이상 바꾼 상태입니다.

COVID-19로 인해서 일부 업무 환경이 바뀌어서, 마나님과 POE를 달리기도하고, 애드온 업데이트 후에 설명을 드리기 위해서 스트리밍 환경을 연습하고 있습니다. 😄 저는 즐거운 시간을 보내고 있습니다.

COVID-19 상황이 안정되기를 바라구요, 여러분 모두항상 건강하시고 좋은 하루 보내시길 기윈합니다.

디스코드(의 진행 중인 작업 채널에서 애드온 업데이트 진행에 대한 세부 사항을 안내드리겠습니다.

모든분들께 감사드립니다 🙏 😊

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Last edited by eocsdev#2016 on Jun 12, 2020, 10:11:44 AM
Hello, this is DeadlyCrush.

I'm work in progress DeadlyTrade Overhaul version for 3.11 Harvest league and for support Vulkan with new features.

Unfortunately I found some critical bugs.
I spent most my personal time after work for this update but critical bugs came to me at this important moment.

So my plan have 3 case. one is release after cleaning bugs. second one is release current version (directx) for 3.11 and release new version later. last one is release minimal version that many functions disabled.

Worst scenario is DeadlyTrade temporarily close (1~2days) I can't imagine.
Fortunately it's Friday, So I will try hard to fix the my ugly code.

Anyway there is a good news I made a leveling helper which is improved from DeadlyTrade's Act helper.

I will let you know all those status and progression and release scenario soon. thanks all of you. Stay healthy and gl.hf. See you soon

2020-06-20 01:41 Local Time in Korea.
Last edited by eocsdev#2016 on Jun 19, 2020, 12:43:42 PM
Hello my exile friend, this is DeadlyCrush.

First of all current DeadlyTrade version works properly at 3.11 Harvest league.
But, you must change option at DeadlyTrade's ninja price function (Ref. below), That's important for prevent ninja's new league data errors.

I will let you know about new version fix & release schedule with detailed explanation of new features soon.
I really hope introduce new deadlytrade asap.

Keep grinding~! ♡ cheers, gl&hf all of you. Thanks.


[Korean 한글]
안녕하세요. 데들리크러쉬입니다.
먼저 현재 사용중이신 데들리트레이드는 3.11 Harvest 리그에도 정상 동작합니다.
하지만, 닌자 시세 데이터 오류의 방지를 위해서 반드시 데들리트레이드의 닌자 시세 확인 기능에서 옵션을 변경하셔야 합니다. (아래 참조)

신규 버전의 버그 수정과 릴리즈 일정을 새로운 기능들에 대한 자세한 소개와 함께 곧 안내드리겠습니다.
한시라도 빨리 신규 버전을 소개드리고 싶은 마음이 간절합니다.

열심히 달리시구요~ 건승하시고 득템하시길 기원합니다. 감사합니다.
Last edited by eocsdev#2016 on Jun 20, 2020, 12:03:39 AM
Hello, this app looks amazing, will you update it for Heist ?
I will test it this evening.

Many thanks
Can this app be confirmed working for heist?
Sminky1 wrote:
Can this app be confirmed working for heist?


[다운로드][Download] - I apologize for releasing a temporary version instead of new version.

* Update will be automatically.
If you want to download full version of temporary version for heist, check below link please.

* 자동으로 업데이트 됩니다. 강탈 버전용 임시 풀 버전을 다운로드 하시려면 아래의 링크를 확인해주세요.

Full Version :

Update File (Manually if you want) :

You can check progress at DeadlyTrade Discord
FuriousYurious wrote:
eocsdev wrote:
FuriousYurious wrote:
Im having the same issue

If your same issue, do you mean "I can't seem to initiate the trade using the app once the buyer is in my hideout." ?

No, when I launch the app it says it cannot connect to the server

I received received CASE OPEN for abnormal traffic form my private server service. Due to abnormal traffic, my update server for DeadlyTrade has been suspended and will be resume after abnormal traffic cause has been cleared.

I'm communicating and discuss about this CASE with server companies. If traffic problem persists, I will use another my private spare server service.

I'll let you know as situation progresses and changes. 2020.10.16 19:17 Local time in Korea.

You can get information faster at DeadlyTrade Discord

2020.10.16 21:19 Local time in Korea. DeadlyTrade for 3.12 Heist Temp Local ver. for 3.12 Heist Released.

I decided temporarily deploy local version, because I think it is wrong to keep waiting users during troubleshooting about abnormal traffic problem on my private server that I informed.

This temporary version is not using update server because it is a local version. Therefore, you can choose download which is only update files or full version of from link below.

I'll let you know as situation progresses and changes about update server abnormal traffic issue.

▶ Download

Full Version (Temp. Local ver.) -
Update files (Temp. Local ver.) -

Last edited by eocsdev#2016 on Oct 16, 2020, 8:20:26 AM
FuriousYurious wrote:
eocsdev wrote:
FuriousYurious wrote:
Im having the same issue

If your same issue, do you mean "I can't seem to initiate the trade using the app once the buyer is in my hideout." ?

No, when I launch the app it says it cannot connect to the server

I received received CASE OPEN for abnormal traffic form my private server service. Due to abnormal traffic, my update server for DeadlyTrade has been suspended and will be resume after abnormal traffic cause has been cleared.

I'm communicating and discuss about this CASE with server companies. If traffic problem persists, I will use another my private spare server service.

I'll let you know as situation progresses and changes.

. DeadlyTrade for 3.12 Heist Temp Local ver. for 3.12 Heist Released.

I decided temporarily deploy local version, because I think it is wrong to keep waiting users during troubleshooting about abnormal traffic problem on my private server that I informed.

This temporary version is not using update server because it is a local version. Therefore, you can choose download which is only update files or full version of from link below.

I'll let you know as situation progresses and changes about update server abnormal traffic issue.

▶ Download

Full Version (Temp. Local ver.) -
Update files (Temp. Local ver.) -
Last edited by eocsdev#2016 on Oct 16, 2020, 8:18:19 AM

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