Corona virus

What about the migrants and refugees in the Middle east? They'll catch it eventually (if they haven't already). It'll be a slaughterhouse.
Johny_Snow wrote:
What about the migrants and refugees in the Middle east? They'll catch it eventually (if they haven't already). It'll be a slaughterhouse.

Imagine thinking people leaving warzones or actual poverty being phazed by a 2% death toll.
That's cute sir.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Whats also cute is the panic that will spread among them and thus make their attempts to cross borders even more fierce. Or the virus mutating thanks to the millions hapless recipients.
Johny_Snow wrote:
Whats also cute is the panic that will spread among them and thus make their attempts to cross borders even more fierce. Or the virus mutating thanks to the millions hapless recipients.

As if they needed corona to be motivated to leave their places.

And the mutation thing will happen anyway, a virus doesn't need a group of migrants for that it's motivated to do that constantly in order to survive.

Having a mutation occur in a large group is actually a bad thing for a virus it's survival since having multiple strains all over the place looking alike but being different offers far more survival.

And the virus culls the weak, nothing people living a harsh life aren't already familiar with.
That doesn't make it pleasant or palatable but nature rarely is uppon closer inspection.

They would lose people just like we are losing people with the difference that they probably already lost people to meaningless stuff before while most of us have not.

The thing to be fearfull of in situations like this are people like the impeacher utilizing group think to polarize people and use these events as political bludgeon tools to stir up emotions of people.
Finding black sheep to push the blame on in order to deliver the angst of a social group in distress is the last position you would wish on anybody.

But thats not panic to be fearfull of but instigation with ill intend.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Well, hopefully they are dumb enough to stay where they are and slowly die. A migrant invasion could lead to some fun times like live rounds being used at the borders.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Mar 17, 2020, 8:52:15 AM
Too much Faux News, Johny
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What do you mean?
Johny_Snow wrote:
Well, hopefully they are dumb enough to stay where they are and slowly die. A migrant invasion could lead to some fun times like live rounds being used at the borders.

Hopefully they are smart, stay where they are and start building a society that protects future generations from the harships they went true.

Instead of fleeing their homeland, leaving it behind to rot for others who are born there?

I never understood this "free and open migration" rebranding tactic where somehow the first-world country's aren't stealing the best people from other society's away with advertisements of a "dream life".

It's entirely cynical of liberals and progressives to promote open migration while at the same time ignoring most of the issues in other country's and being unable to draw that line of connection.

But that's probably a derail and not something desirable to discuss given the CoC.

But i never had a progressive or liberal give a solid counter-argument when confronted with the fact that migration sucks other country's dry when it comes to potential.
If humans are the lifeblood of a society then migration is like a good medieval bloodletting under the same pretence of empathy and care.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
There is a war going on if you didn't know.
Thanks for stating the obvious, let me add on by stating something equally obvious.

Siphoning away the smart and productive people from a geographical location leaving only the uneducated and people who thrive on abuse and control by force helps prolong wars and conflict.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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