Kinetic Bolt, Spellslinger and Other Wand Improvements

Step 1: Use ED / Contagion
Step 2: Combine them with Spellslinger
Step 3: ?
Step 4: Profit
actual hype.

time to dust off the toothpicks boys, were back

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Poets Pen + Cast on Crit + Spellslinger + All the physical spells + Blade Blast

Also throw in poison Assassin.
Last edited by SaiyanZ#3112 on Mar 3, 2020, 10:37:02 AM
As a result of making this interaction more accessible, we've improved the Crown of Eyes unique item so it now grants attack damage from spell damage at a higher ratio, and Crown of Eyes is still the only way to get this effect on other weapon types.

That means if I want more dmg and not invest 3 passive points I go for Crown of eyes?

Adios Poet's Pen?

+ Poet's Pen ???

Well, im very exited. But it feels bit OP atm.
OK im waiting for something for mele.
All these people are hype without actually seeing the Spellslinger gem.

I'm just waiting for the "linked spells have 30% less damage" to break everyone's heart.
3 march is my birthday, as wander lover you made my day much happier, thank you GGG :)

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