Skill Demo: Blade Blast

omfg, that bladefall + animates.... holy moly
each league i try to make a animate weapons Sion.. it as never worked... but now maybe it will
Only question i have is what are those knives stats?

never really enjoyed animated skills before so with this maybe it's worth it.

besides that blade blast seems pretty good in this vid. other vids i've seen it was dog shit lol
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Rain of poison ivy!
"Venom Gyre" dont?

(player is catching blades and firing blades when used by "Whirling Blades".

I would like it really mutch if It can also be used with "Blade Blast".

kind regards
JeckNoTree wrote:
"Venom Gyre" dont?

(player is catching blades and firing blades when used by "Whirling Blades".

I would like it really mutch if It can also be used with "Blade Blast".

kind regards

Blade Flurry would be neat too. But I'm sure they intended it to be only interaction with spells
Pity the Animate Weapons aren't green.
I have always wanted to play EK, looks like I am Delirious.
~ There are spectacular moments.
I still haven't left my wife because of POE. Thank you Chris Wilson!
will blade blast work with venom gyre/whirling blades?
Waiting For Death With Open Arms.

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