3.9.2f Patch Notes

patch what to make it so cant even play … all I get trying to download patch for last 3 days is Error: Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patError: Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofexilie.com/ Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofexilie.com/ Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofexiError: Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofexilie.com/ Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofError: Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofexilie.com/ Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofexilie.com/ Transferred a partial file while downloading http://patchofexilie.com/
Eater of souls on core map IS STILL FUCKING BUGGED and goes immune before phase transition.

Thanks for not fixing this and causing me to waste maps in SSF + removing my xp because of your bug you can't seem to fix.

Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
Bug id 930,474,056 -- Eater of Souls (core map) STILL BUGGED ON PHASE TRANSITION. SO FUCKING ANNOYING GGG.
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
PoE is not multi player game. Multi is only for trading not playing.
Spawning conquerors is still busted, burning through t14+ like crazy until running 2 white maps and it's back how should be. How many years will it take to fix?
Black__Dawn wrote:
Spawning conquerors is still busted, burning through t14+ like crazy until running 2 white maps and it's back how should be. How many years will it take to fix?

It is not. To me two maps is enought to trigger pursiuts - i have all 4 active now.
Caulder10 wrote:
more anti party play updates
why not just make this game offline single player?

Because GGG is VERY against THOSE kinds of 3rd-party programs. You know what I mean. :)
TwentyFiveEX wrote:
Eater of souls on core map IS STILL FUCKING BUGGED and goes immune before phase transition.

Thanks for not fixing this and causing me to waste maps in SSF + removing my xp because of your bug you can't seem to fix.

Eater of Souls is NOT bugged. Phase transitions work PERFECTLY fine. :)
Last edited by bvanharjr#5617 on Feb 21, 2020, 6:29:42 AM
The storm calls can still be shot around corners though. Was this even tested?

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