Bex's Five Year CM Anniversary

Bex_GGG wrote:
The most precious thing we have is time.

Complete trust means losing all meaning. I pray a little trust till the end of time and we will meet there.
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Happy Anniversary Bex \o/
Just one more map
So articulate :) Glad the immediate fam is safe and sound. I got a couple little ones so I can relate to a lot of those feelings. I just wanna take this opportunity to squeeze in a thankful outro to the whole team as well. A lot of the QoL updates we've gotten have made this league really great.
welcome back Bex and congratulations, hope to see your work for others 5 years or more.
who the tf is bex `? lmao. nobody cares geez. release patchnotes. tease new league. stop nerfing. make game easyer for everyone. people who whine go play hardcore and cry when rip
fk archnemesis.
Well Bex first and foremost WELCOME BACK and CONGRATZ on your 5 Years as Community Manager and yes like everyone else has said hope you enjoy the next 5 years even more so. Looking forward to P.O.E.2 and lets see what sort of "Community Manager Stuff" you can come up with to make us more excited about it..
Love your work BEX please keep up the good work and to your team.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つBEX-CHAN TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Thanks for your efforts for the community, we love you.
I look forward to the wonderful things you'd bring to this community for another five years.
and maybe share some photos of the little one? :)
Savour these moments, for they may never return.
I really had to login to have my say here and hope Bex sees this.

Ive been playing Path of exile since 2014 and have personally run into Bex many times, Bex has been super helpful throughout my years and has never turned down helping me its not often i (or even others) give feedback on awesome performance but in this case seeing this post i just had to say.

-Great job and i really wish you well. Your always welcome Bex, Thank you for everything over the years :)

Kind regards.
Thank you Bex!
Love the game.

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