[License][NA]Recruiting for POE 2 & POE 1

possible to join?>
playing league to.
1.IGN: EACFinn
2.Do you have discord(Required!): oktosink
3.is poe your main game: on league starts
4.How many hours played in path of exile: steam: 4500+hrs, launcher: ???
1.IGN: Maverick_Trial_SC
2.Do you have discord(Required!): yes
3.is poe your main game: One of them yes
4.How many hours played in path of exile: well steam says like 600 hours but i also played standalone client for faster load times for another 1000 hours.

I should note, im looking to be a trader.
@maverick i can't promise someone in the guild will trust you immediately to be a trader for them but you can try (bump)
IGN: Shraken.
Do you have Discord: yes and I prefer to use it.
Is poe your main game: It was until my father who was a first responder during 9/11 had a mini-stroke back in 2017, he was bedridden for 5 years so I took care of him. I'm looking to get back into POE because I just need an escape from RL BS and people to talk to.
How many hours do I have in POE, at least 1500+ I use the launcher for less lag and latency.

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