[License][NA]Recruiting for POE 2 & POE 1

Inv? I have thousands of hours POE is mostly my main game I'm currently Lvl 85 in league and I really just want to help new players this game has a huge learning curve and if I can keep new players interested it makes the game more fun for me invite if you have room (and room for advancement) IGN:Jayder
I'd like to join.

1.IGN: MrHangover
2.Do you have discord(Required!): Of course!
3.is poe your main game: Yes
4.How many hours played in path of exile: A laughable amount, not sure on the number but I've played most leagues since closed beta over 10 years ago.
1.IGN: wishididntstartagain
2.Do you have discord(Required!): duh (whydoikeepplaying)
3.is poe your main game: ye
4.How many hours played in path of exile: 4178 h

Playing since 3.3 (skipped a few leagues recently)... Whenever beastiary was.... according to steam ....

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