no sirus final phase performance fix? :(
Posted bySamson001#5348on Jan 20, 2020, 2:07:52 PM
Ac1D_FlA5H wrote:
This patch is a complete joke. For the past few weeks i've only been crashing around 5 times a day,(still fucking ridicules considering 99.9% of console games never experience a single crash, ever.) but now since this patch, every single map the game crashes, unplayable!
It might be your system. I play on the original xbox and have had zero crash issues this league and with this specific patch. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
dcc1997 wrote:
When are custom filters going to work?!?!? And start banning players from spending real money on currency and gear would be great! No damn way someone can put together a 75ex build plus have that much or more in stash! We're a month in.
I had a few hundred ex within the first few weeks and im not even one of the top players
There are players who have multiple mirrors after the first few days
Last edited by Bloomania#2606 on Jan 20, 2020, 4:34:09 PM
Posted byBloomania#2606on Jan 20, 2020, 4:34:01 PM
PrintSkydiver60 wrote:
On #1 I had this issue for a while as well, had to reinstall the game and it went away.
#2 they are aware of and are working to fix it, the issue is when you hit the start button hitting it again fixes it. I have to do this on most maps because I tend to go to the trade board between maps. I have just gotten into the habit of hitting start two times at the beginning of each map. #2 was caught by testing and they put it in the original patch notes for release, it wasn't gating and I would MUCH rather be playing with this bug then still waiting on the release. If you hate it enough switching to the default NS filters removes the issue
Thanks. I will try a fresh re-install. Of the two issues this is by far the most annoying so if this resolves it I will be very happy.
Posted bybendybruce#9506on Jan 20, 2020, 4:54:52 PM
Napolleon wrote:
Watch the YouTube video of dropped frames with Chris wilson. He said it there
Are you referring to the time he was on Dropped Frames in December 2019? If so, I took a listen to the entire thing and didn't hear him say anything about not caring about consoles. If it's a different video please post up the link to it so that myself and the rest of the people on this thread may review it.
Posted bymatts88yj#9211on Jan 20, 2020, 6:23:18 PM
Chat and guilds when?
Support when?
QA QC testing before pushing out a shit patch when?
Metamorphosis league is a trash tier league if I ever seen one. Month in and the league mechanic is screwed still. And if you didn’t change atlas crap around even the white knight fanboys would be crying about the crappy league
Posted byNapolleon#9482on Jan 20, 2020, 11:02:26 PM
Napolleon wrote:
Chat and guilds when?
Support when?
QA QC testing before pushing out a shit patch when?
Metamorphosis league is a trash tier league if I ever seen one. Month in and the league mechanic is screwed still. And if you didn’t change atlas crap around even the white knight fanboys would be crying about the crappy league
Do you think you will have something they promise on xbox since 2017? Anyway, I'd rather have a stable game, better trade board filter than having a guild or chat
Posted byR4mpaMckvak#8530on Jan 21, 2020, 2:08:25 AM
Napolleon wrote:
Mrnickwan wrote:
Watch the YouTube video of dropped frames with Chris wilson. He said it there
Are you referring to the time he was on Dropped Frames in December 2019? If so, I took a listen to the entire thing and didn't hear him say anything about not caring about consoles. If it's a different video please post up the link to it so that myself and the rest of the people on this thread may review it.
Still waiting on you to provide evidence of Chris Wilson saying this although I think everyone can see that there isn't going to be any because you talk out of your ass.
Go watch the video dip shit
Well that isn't very nice is it. You can always tell when a person has dug them self into a hole that they can't he out of because they get aggressive and sweary and refuse to answer the simplest of questions like "can you provide a link to the video in question?". Obviously you won't provide a link because
1. This video doesn't exist and you made it all up.
2. The video does exist but you know that Chris didn't say that and don't want to be proven wrong.
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you could just provide a link or even give me the video name and I'll find it myself and then return with my findings.
Posted byMrnickwan#9536on Jan 21, 2020, 3:25:13 AM
Haha coward reported the post. And then quoted it so it still exists. Lol
Posted byNapolleon#9482on Jan 21, 2020, 3:34:16 AM
Napolleon wrote:
Haha coward reported the post. And then quoted it so it still exists. Lol
Nah mine got removed too mate so wasnt me.
Still though, where's the link?
Posted byMrnickwan#9536on Jan 21, 2020, 3:37:28 AM