Creating Game Effects in Path of Exile

Poor Ivan! :P
Natalia_GGG, thank you for continuing to share with us the content that remained behind the scene of the streams from ExileCon!

The amount of negativity and messages that are not relevant to the topic is striking and depressing. Once again I am convinced that if you do not want to spoil your emotional state, then you should limit your curiosity and just do not read comments. Coz everything that interests and pleases me is concentrated in 1st staff post.
IGN Odminko, Orlangoor.
Gameplay effects? AKA Lag-effects.
Should consider Ice Crash for an effect
One that isn't so bright and blinding
Maybe like a metamorph version, with a icey sludge
Or a Monolith version, with the crystals
Just something not so bright, something a bit darker
Last edited by Black__Dawn#3783 on Jan 17, 2020, 9:28:00 AM
Sabranic_SilverDeth wrote:

I've paid several thousand dollars into Path of Exile

Refund if you can and if you can't make it so that you can.
It's the only tool you have that really works, ask any 10c overlord and they'll confirm.
Pro tip, 10c overlord looks something like this

rzuk892 wrote:

Standard should be culled, it's a waste of GGG's time.

Right now it's there alive and well so your post is basically a fanboy's wet fart.

Creating Game Effects in Path of Exile - the concept is very simple - our diarrhea visual effects require shitting on our audio designer cause we don't like him, by means of disabling sound completely aka --nosound
Last edited by Black__Dawn#3783 on Jan 17, 2020, 9:41:43 AM
Don't add more visual effects! I beg of you...
Xystre wrote:
how about creating LESS effect for some of the clusterfuck happening sometimes?

This is pretty much my feeling on the matter.
I don't have a NASA super computer, but my machine is pretty beefy.
PoE is the only game I play where I still get frame loss.

I like effects as much as any gamer. But...
Maybe try balancing all that glamour with some reasoning, and with system performance in mind.
Daebooty wrote:
Should consider Ice Crash for an effect
One that isn't so bright and blinding
Maybe like a metamorph version, with a icey sludge
Or a Monolith version, with the crystals
Just something not so bright, something a bit darker

We need more barely visible black projectiles that when shot over all the other black sludge become invisible black projectiles.

Ok fine the guy and ground can be black, but can the projectiles have some sort of contrast?
OMFG, those people on first page... I've never felt more embarassed about this community in my history of playing PoE. Devs are putting those exilecon panels online how they said they would and those rpeople are crying about standard and map tabs. There are threads about that stuff on forum, this is one with talk from two months ago, from people making game effect for people who want to hear about this. WTf?
Smile! <3

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