ggg confirmed consoles not involved in dev for this year guys we got no mention at all.
lol. okay bud. they have never lied to us once. nope. perfect company... im betting you tip even when you get horrible food and service. i dont. i tell them when its shit...
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You're truly an upstanding citizen m8.
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never claimed to be one. im not the one on my moral high horse over a company... you say im entitled... i think we are all entitled to a game that works.
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You realize that this is a FREE game right? Or did you buy it?? If you CHOOSE to spend money on smt from GGG that does not give you the right to go around being an A***** to people demanding things. I can say with confidence that im not happy with the way the console port is going, but even tho i spent money on ps4 and a lot on pc when i had one, that does not give me the right to go around calling names and acting all entitled. I CHOOSE to spend my money, so did you. When you get a meal for free you dont complain that is not the perfect way you like it, if you do go buy your own meal....
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we were given a free meal on a broken plate with food that was dropped on the floor...
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" Supporter Packs mean nothing. Zero. Nada. It's a free game. Totally free. There's no requirements placed on a player to do anything in the way of "supporting" the game. And, a Supporter Pack billboard means squat... I've bought hundreds of dollars, USD, in "Supporter Packs" and crap like that. I don't link my XBox account because... why should I link my XBox account? The OP has a right to complain whether or not he's bought a river of Supporter Packs since Day 1 or not. All that matters is that he's a "player." Period. That's his area of concern just like anyone else's. And, if anyone else thinks they are anything other than just standard merchandise in an online marketplace... uh - They're not special. Buying a "Supporter Pack" doesn't mean you're doing a good deed. Even if that was one's intent, using one's own good deeds to denigrate someone else... Guess those "good deeds" weren't exactly altruistic, huh? Supporter Packs are items being sold. That's it. POE is a front-end for the online marketplace. If it wasn't, it'd be terrible business model... |
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I dont think he's wrong to conplain. I have made posts before about the state of the console port, but the way he is choosing to do so is all around wrong to me. Dont think that beeing disrespectful and rude is the way to get people to listen to what you have to say. Thats all...
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" You are correct. :) It's just that one shouldn't hold up how much money one has spent as some sort of measure of intrinsic value. If someone wishes to criticize a post, criticize a post and not the poster. :) (As your post correctly does. :)) |
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" I don't believe the original intent was about being able (or not able) to Express one's opinion based on financial contributions. I believe it was in direct relation to OP stating he/she wasn't spending any more money when it "appears" as though they have spent little to none. Personally, I don't care how much they have or have not spent. It was childish tantrum post, with 0 fact checking done before coming here to be rude and belligerent. This isn't the OP's first or only thread complaining about GGG. There's still 3 others on the front page of this forum and they should have posted their shit comment in one of the other 3 shit threads instead of creating a new shit thread. Last edited by PappaHambone#8288 on Jan 14, 2020, 12:41:27 PM
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" So, how much money does one have to spend before declaring they won't spend any more money is meaningful? (I'm just pointing out that spending money on a game is only ever just spending money on a game. It's meaningless for justifying more than that. There are some that enjoy throwing their billboards around in some discussions. Adding yet another "Supporter Pack" to one's dollie in the forums is also an incentive to purchase said packs :)) |
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