Eternal labyrinth

Hello my name is Jonathan and I'm from Italy,I'm here to find an answer for my trouble.
I run so many end game maps(1 to 16),actually I'm level 91 but I still miss the last one trial to get the access to the eternal lab...I'm very frustrated.

I don't know why,am I just unlucky?
I remember the past league,same trouble,I get the access only at level 90.
I need the last ascendancy passive skill for my hierophant.

What can I do?
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2020, 2:38:03 PM
Ornaghi-J wrote:
Hello my name is Jonathan and I'm from Italy,I'm here to find an answer for my trouble.
I run so many end game maps(1 to 16),actually I'm level 91 but I still miss the last one trial to get the access to the eternal lab...I'm very frustrated.

I don't know why,am I just unlucky?
I remember the past league,same trouble,I get the access only at level 90.
I need the last ascendancy passive skill for my hierophant.

What can I do?

I'd suggest joining us on discord for Path of Exile PS4. We have a channel where folks will post trials that they come across. Still RNG but it might get you your last one.
You're not doing anything wrong, it's just very random.

Lvl 93 was the highest that I've been before getting the final trial.
I'd suggest joining us on discord for Path of Exile PS4

Thanks for your answer but I barely know something about discord LOL
What should I do? How does it works?
Is it necessary PSN plus to play together?

Lvl 93 was the highest that I've been before getting the final trial.

Damn!I wonder how people that you can see on YouTube/twitch can easily get the last ascendancy points in the early days of the league! I hate to run for those stupid trials. I always get the same that I've already done
Ornaghi-J wrote:

Thanks for your answer but I barely know something about discord LOL
What should I do? How does it works?
Is it necessary PSN plus to play together?

Just use this link to join the discord server:
That's the one that I'm aware of anyway.

Once you join you will find a section title #lab-and-trials. People will post there if they are doing labs or come across a trial they wish to share. You can also comment requesting the trial that you need. If someone comes across it they might message you or comment.

You do not need PS+.
Last edited by TryingToSurvive#9604 on Jan 9, 2020, 2:42:21 PM
Ok,I downloaded the discord app for my smartphone,I created an account,and then? XD
I don't have friends on my list (of course) and I need to join to which server?
Sorry guys but it's new for me.

Your link doesn't work and I don't know why. Should I be invite?
Ornaghi-J wrote:
Ok,I downloaded the discord app for my smartphone,I created an account,and then? XD
I don't have friends on my list (of course) and I need to join to which server?
Sorry guys but it's new for me.

Your link doesn't work and I don't know why. Should I be invite? - poe discord - poe console discord - poe ps4 discord
Last edited by TryingToSurvive#9604 on Jan 11, 2020, 3:08:41 PM
Thank you so much bro. I appreciate it.

Now it works :)

Just needs some practice...
What you can do is run low level quick maps like strand and look for the remaining trials. Also Zana's missions sometimes have them. Oh and you can get a prophecy to find trials...
What you can do is run low level quick maps like strand and look for the remaining trials. Also Zana's missions sometimes have them. Oh and you can get a prophecy to find trials.

I can run any T16 maps (with the right mods of course) fast. Speed isn't a problem. I do daily zana's quest (yellow/red) and when I see trial to complete I run that map...but I never see the last one.

I'll try the prophecies and finger crossed ;)

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