[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

First time doing a cospri malice build is this gear pretty good I have 8k es haven't got thread of hope yet, attack block is 75 when Rumi is up spell block needs work. I have a big dex problem with this build I cannot get out of these rings for the ones we need.
tffiad wrote:
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
todnesser wrote:

Tailwind is 10% action speed, so a flat 10% MS and Attackspeed multiplier, so a flat 10% dmg multiplier as long as it's not bringing you over the next breakpoint.

You can decide between tailwind (permanent) or onslaught (flask), but not both together. Otherwise your attack speed would be to high for 7.5aps

does elusive counts to it too? for example generaly elusive + tail will not ruin aps?

speaking of which, if u got awakened coc, u can use tail and unslaught together and not bother anymore?

You get elusive from your ascendency, so it's already taken into account on everything we say.

You need to get your CDR for you ice nova to 52%+ to get to the next breakpoint.
This means e.g.:
lvl 5 woke CoC + 15% CDR boots + 15%+ CDR belt
lvl 6 woke CoC + 15% CDR boots + 12% CDR belt

But then you should aim to get as close to 10 APS as you can, without getting above 10.12

You will need some dex on your cluster jewels and/or need to spend 1 point for practical application and/or alacrity.
Also take into account that circle of fear itself provides dex.
Last edited by todnesser#0146 on Apr 8, 2020, 9:17:14 AM
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
small update:

old gloves

new ones:

got near 500 ES more, pretty happy with new ones. Also living now even more on the small edge of the abyss with my resists :D

Pretty ironic, I just crafted these this morning. Can't use them though unless I change too many things around, need gloves with dex/light res. Although using those gloves is worth wasting a skill point on the tree to dex.. hm.

Edit, I decided to use them. Divined/crafted.

Resists/str/dex really are a balancing act with this build at the min max portion.
Last edited by NSUCK#0844 on Apr 8, 2020, 11:58:09 AM
- changed medium Crit Cluster Jewels for a medium curse Cluster Jewel

With what do you curse enemies ? I do not see any curse in pob.
sta1n wrote:
- changed medium Crit Cluster Jewels for a medium curse Cluster Jewel

With what do you curse enemies ? I do not see any curse in pob.

Frostbite which is in cospri Its linked to the frostbolt and nova, cospri triggers a socketed cold spell.
Hey, need help with my APS calculations.

Here is my PoB


Can someone calculate this myself, well im not good enought to calculate it. Dont think so im doing this exactly.
Last edited by proceder15#2765 on Apr 8, 2020, 2:03:48 PM
Upgraded some gear and switched to the thread of hope set up. The build was great before now its buttery smooth.

Im going to level awakened coc to level 4 and get to the next break point just to see what its like since I already have all the gear. I can almost fit in the other circle of fear and maintain the next break point I just have to switch aspect of spider to another piece and squeeze out a little bit more attack speed. likely would have to craft or roll it on the gloves and get accuracy rating on my helm.
Found this circle of fear with fire damage on it so I was able to keep cinderswallow buff (from fire dmg ignite) and onslaught.

I did lose some tankyness from the ring I crafted though. I might sell it, not quite sure.

Finally leveled my awakened coc to level 3 and immediately after killing sirus I switched to the build!

It´s not exactly the same, I could not get my hands on the right large cluster jewel so I crafted one myself ^^

Took like 700 trys to get the sockets on the armor how they are now. When I leveled the awakened added cold damage maybe I will give it another shot

The next big upgrade would be the shield, right?
As I understand I can simply buy a rare 86 titanium spirit shield with shaper or crusader influence, scour it, get it to high quality with perfect fossils and then spam dense fossils? The quality will not be touched by the fossils?

would anybody take a look at my skilltree? I think I am missing a point...maybe I put it in some useless passive?
Last edited by Verfall777#4386 on Apr 8, 2020, 6:20:57 PM
Verfall777 wrote:
Finally leveled my awakened coc to level 3 and immediately after killing sirus I switched to the build!

It´s not exactly the same, I could not get my hands on the right large cluster jewel so I crafted one myself ^^

Took like 700 trys to get the sockets on the armor how they are now. When I leveled the awakened added cold damage maybe I will give it another shot

The next big upgrade would be the shield, right?
As I understand I can simply buy a rare 86 titanium spirit shield with shaper or crusader influence, scour it, get it to high quality with perfect fossils and then spam dense fossils? The quality will not be touched by the fossils?

Correct quality stays. You can also get a gilded fossil for fun it adds "item sells for much more to vendors" it stays just like the quality does.

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