[3.11 ready] NKO's Saviour Champion Cyclone/lacerate 14m+ shaper dps [Videos][All content]

I have to do something absolutely wrong, my POB Damage is like 1/3 of OPs


I added 100% damage to paradoxica and 60-120 to gloves but still it sucks
Last edited by Verfall777#4386 on Apr 14, 2020, 12:42:25 PM
Just tried to do Simulcarium first time with this build (level 87).

10k armor, 5.2k hp, maxed res, all the flask are the same, have impale watcher's eye, have impale cluster jewel, total dps is about 30-40% less (need to level and grab more passive nodes) and also missing onslaught.

The Simulcarium boss was oneshoting me, I could not kill him.

I watched this video from OP https://streamable.com/tpb7u (Simulacrum wave 19/20). The boss was killed quite easily. My defenses are about the same.

Guys, what is the secret? Do I need to dodge his attack quickly or something like that?
Last edited by wkernel#1759 on Apr 14, 2020, 12:51:54 PM
Hey guys, could someone take a look over my Charakter dl_rage_quit pls

Damage is ok but i feel to squish any sugestions what i should upgrade next?

thanks :D
I don't understand quite well how is OP surviving in a T15 5 delirium orb map, damage is great, but I literally feel really squishy even with 6k life and phys reduction, maybe I'm doing something wrong idk, can someone check out my gear/character and also what are the best pantheons?
Zeltraa wrote:
Nithalik wrote:
Zeltraa wrote:
Hey guys, I think I have optimized this build but I am just not hitting the same POB Dps numbers as N1ko's build, can someone tell me what I am doing wrong or what I should change within my build? (Cyclone Version with the community fork)

My POB: https://pastebin.com/A4kXupvz

N1ko's: https://pastebin.com/cmpRpqF3

OP custom modded a couple of items to inflate the DPS on the build.

He added a 100% more damage explicit to the paradoxica sword. Although he probably did this to account for the reflection damage on savior I didnt see it at first and then thought this build had much higher damage than it really does.

He also added 60 to 120 physical damage on his gloves which I am guessing is to account for the champion ascendancy damage but I thought that was calculated with the fork - unsure.

Ahh that makes so much more sense, thank you for answering my question!

damn i knew op was a fraud. i was wondering what the hell was going on with the numbers
viperakias wrote:
pantheon / annointment ?

this anyone?
wkernel wrote:
Just tried to do Simulcarium first time with this build (level 87).

10k armor, 5.2k hp, maxed res, all the flask are the same, have impale watcher's eye, have impale cluster jewel, total dps is about 30-40% less (need to level and grab more passive nodes) and also missing onslaught.

The Simulcarium boss was oneshoting me, I could not kill him.

I watched this video from OP https://streamable.com/tpb7u (Simulacrum wave 19/20). The boss was killed quite easily. My defenses are about the same.

Guys, what is the secret? Do I need to dodge his attack quickly or something like that?

Kosis on wave 20 will one shot most builds depending on the modifers (especially crit mult, extra dmg ETC) if you get hit by the slam.

That being said it does feel that OP is inflating his build dps by a bit judging by the comments.

I decided against going against the build after realising the build struggles vs high end content due to squishiness unless in absolute min-max gear.

Doesn't seem worth to spend about 50 ex on the build and not being able to clear end game content.

I invested in an hollow palm character instead and it steamrolls for same investment.

Last edited by Shinyshield#5215 on Apr 15, 2020, 10:48:14 AM
@viperakias pantheon is on ur own preference, i presonally went phys damage / aoe less damage taken, annoint u kinda want the Tenacity or assassination or something else with life/dmg
Last edited by n1koee#2481 on Apr 15, 2020, 10:47:16 AM
Nithalik wrote:
Zeltraa wrote:
Hey guys, I think I have optimized this build but I am just not hitting the same POB Dps numbers as N1ko's build, can someone tell me what I am doing wrong or what I should change within my build? (Cyclone Version with the community fork)

My POB: https://pastebin.com/A4kXupvz

N1ko's: https://pastebin.com/cmpRpqF3

OP custom modded a couple of items to inflate the DPS on the build.

He added a 100% more damage explicit to the paradoxica sword. Although he probably did this to account for the reflection damage on savior I didnt see it at first and then thought this build had much higher damage than it really does.

He also added 60 to 120 physical damage on his gloves which I am guessing is to account for the champion ascendancy damage but I thought that was calculated with the fork - unsure.

PoB fork correctly calculates paradoxica, so no mod is needed (can be checked by removing "Attacks with this Weapon deal Double Damage" line in the item editor - PoB fork decreases final dps).
If we leave this custom mod, then PoB fork dps is greatly (and incorrectly) inflated.

Last edited by wkernel#1759 on Apr 15, 2020, 6:51:21 PM
Awesome build!

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