[3.12] Brittleknee's Darkness Farmer - 200+ Depth, Fossils, Resonators, Currency - Video Included!

Would the Cluster Node "Chilling Presence : Nearby Enemies are chilled" work well for this?... it would depend on how far away "Nearby" is obviously but just from reading it should work well with the Temp Chains right?
PWFTrojaner wrote:
drunkydragon wrote:
I finally managed to get to level 80 by doing 'The Ossuary' over-and-over. This is a torture!

Is there any other way (other than inviting players to join you in delve) to level this little scion fck?

I got to lvl 80 by using 'leveling' gear. Is there anything that I can change (of gear or passive tree) that will help me level up by doing solo delve mines, until I can switch to 'darkness farmer' ?

And what level I need to hit before I go to 'darkness farmer'. I thought it was a lvl 82. But this kind of leveling (without inviting anyone into delve party, or without killing Kitava) is a pain!

Anyone can suggest something that can help me finish leveling this char?


btw. my main char already found all 6 lab trials, but I wonder how can this 'darkness farmer' kill uber Izaro when it is so weak? Maybe by paying someone some currency to do it for me? Is this the only way? I mean...I can't do it solo?

My Levling as Pyro Miner was Really Really smooth...
I went BA till around 67-68 and after i moved into Delve Level 70...

Took me around 3-4 hours to bring my Lady to lvl 83 W/o Kitava
for the Labs just ask a friend or pay some1 5c each run

PWFTrojaner thanks for the answer!

I'm still using Pyroclast Mine. I got the char to lvl 82 (took me over 3 hours farming in Ossuary with a party).

Tell me, when you say 'BA" you mean 'burning arrow', rigth? If 'yes', then can you tell me what gems you linked with it (was it as 5L or 6L) and which bow you used for it?

What I don't understand is... do I have to reach lvl 82 (or 83) to be able to farm darkness, OR I should level up more than that to be able to properly use 'darkness farmer' gear?

Thanks again for your reply!
Last edited by drunkydragon#5464 on Apr 2, 2020, 5:37:30 PM
Nope by BA i mean Farming Blood Aquducts.
If you dont kill Kitava you have to be Lvl 83 for finish your Skill Tree.

I would recommend just go for the last level into Delve around level 70-75 Monters.
You should be able to get the level in like 20-30 minutes
Thanks for your answer PWFTrojaner!

So BA = Blood Aquducts

But here is the thing: even before I got to lvl 82, I tried delve mines. I'm just too weak for that. I tried it again, just right after reading your reply above. I can barely survive between the check points, but once the cart stop I'm done. I can't protect against anything. I tried it at monster lvl 71 for azurite checkpoint. I felt huge pain in my hand while spamming 'pyrclast mine - detonate mines' over and over, multiple times per second.
They almost killed me many times at that azurite check point. This can't work and its very frustrating.

I only have 'basic' starting gear (maybe thats why I'm so weak). So please let me know which gear I need to use to level some more.

My current gear (at lvl 82):

Tremor Rod 5L (Pyrclast mine - Trap and mine damage - Combustion - Swift Assembly - Inspiration)

goldrim (helmet)
Lochtonial caress (gloves)
Wanderlust (boots)
Karui ward (amu)
2x rare resistance rings
rare body armour (+117 to max life and some resitances)

^ fire restance is maxed out
cold is at 70%
lighting is at 66%

Now, I know I should have maxed out all resistaces, BUT main issue is that my pyrclast mine is too weak to kill. It takes so much spamming 'pyrclast mine - detonate mines' that I can't kill the trash monsters before they all get to me. And I have to move to get away, so I stop spamming pyroclast mine. But the worst thing is, they lock me in place so I can't even move away. Its just that my pyrclast mine damage is too low. Thats the thing.

Currently tooltip shows that pyroclast mine makes avg. damage: 2660

Any suggestion what I should change?

Last edited by drunkydragon#5464 on Apr 3, 2020, 6:33:38 PM
After a bunch of hours farming, here's my last hour income + route at Depth 250 with 268%MS:

About 225c in Delirium.

I might try to push deeper as I've found there's a really Azurite difference between 200 and 250.
Thoril_Ktulu wrote:

as I won't kill Kitava, how can I upgrade the Pantheons ?

If you don't kill Kitava, you can't do that, so consider it in the pros/cons terms.

tny wrote:
I'm trying to make this build because I want to have a character dedicated to just doing Delve. But here's what I don't understand:

If this character isn't doing any damage, then how are we supposed to kill the monsters at the end of each delve node in order to progress the cart further?

As far as I understand, darkness farming can only run for so long. At some point you need to move the cart further to expand where you can go. And I'm not sure how you can move the cart further if we're not doing any damage to kill the monsters on each delve node. Help!

You need another character for progressing your mine. Check section 1.2 of the guide if you missed it.

Queen_Kuuipo wrote:
hi, Britt...am wondering if i could use this build with Delirium League?

Yes, it still works.

RedPhish wrote:
Would the Cluster Node "Chilling Presence : Nearby Enemies are chilled" work well for this?... it would depend on how far away "Nearby" is obviously but just from reading it should work well with the Temp Chains right?

It would be complementary especially against rare monsters, but I'm not sure - considering other options for those points, it might be useful too occasionally to argue for it. I think it's worth a try though.

drunkydragon wrote:
Any suggestion what I should change?

I see you reached lvl 83 in the meantime. I don't think there have been any significant errors on your side, maybe it's just the playstyle doesn't suit you.
Last edited by Xayazi#6337 on Apr 9, 2020, 1:36:09 PM
Hi, can someone check my profile and my Pamela cave lady char for a sec and give me some pointers? I got most of the gear level 78 at the moment, but often getting blocked by spiders because my phase run ends or very fast mana degen happens. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks !
Tisik wrote:
Hi, can someone check my profile and my Pamela cave lady char for a sec and give me some pointers? I got most of the gear level 78 at the moment, but often getting blocked by spiders because my phase run ends or very fast mana degen happens. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks !

If you reserve mana for Arctic Armour, I think you need to stop doing that. Even then, you probably need more mana on your gloves, maybe you can find a ring with a better roll too.

Your Phase Run lasts longer than its cooldown, so I'm guessing it's an issue with timing it correctly? Remember to flare before you refresh it. You're missing the wheel with increased recovery speed, which helps with keeping it up.

There are also some details to pull up, like quality and rolls on your flasks or quality on Temporal Chains. You may prefer an Eternal mana flask over a Divine one - the recovery rate is lower but duration significantly longer.
Hi BrittleKnee,
Thank you so much for the effort you have put into this guide and the build in general! It is a great character with a very relaxing play style. Absolutely wonderful for after work.
My primary delver has made it to around 400, and she is capable of handling that depth easily.
Thinking about how when something has gotten through my max block characters defenses, how it makes me squirm at how hard the hits are. The Scion has no issue whatsoever. Didn't manage to pick up that chaos orb on your first click? or fourth, because you forgot to press phase run? No problem just press your flasks and you have the time even out of flares.

So TY again, she is amazing!
Found a new path a Depth 410:

Kinda risky for the first part but it's ok with this strong lady:
- only lvl 82
- same build/items than in first page (no %MS on watcher eye)

First it with a "meh path" with only green arrow. Then, I managed to see that a was a juicy loop (green + red). The return trip to the breach is not mandatory but, as we often have two parallel paths in this biome, it's not a waste of time.
A run takes me about 10min (long run) but here's the result of ONE run.

Minimap of the run:

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