[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Loje wrote:

Thanks, super weird the mod says "one fewer curses" though, maybe it's just me..

I believe that's from the replica Doedre's ring.

Alch spammed this.

Not sure if I should replace it with my Brush With Death/Circling Oblivion med cluster. POB says about a ~400k dps loss but I'm curious if anyone knows how impactful 10% faster ailment damage is -- it saves me 120c ish on the Malevolence faster ailment Watcher's eye. I might stick with the Brush With Death combo since it seems QOL when mapping and buy the Watcher's Eye when I get my last two levels for another jewel slot.

Having trouble deciding to drop Summon Skitterbots (~10% damage loss, from 11m down to 10m) in favor of the Anomalous Arctic Armour setup. It's hard to tell if the damage is needed since map bosses die quick. On the other hand, I've been standing still at some bosses and get [unexpectedly] one-shotted so I don't know if Anomalous AA would've saved me. I've occasionally dropped to low hp by rares and froze them before I get blown up. I guess I have to play around more but the visual clusters of plaguebearer/mtx on BV/minimap makes it hard to see shit sometimes.
HornedTerrorist wrote:
Soulstrike628 wrote:

piggy backing on this, is there a major difference between kinsugi and dendrobrate? i have both, and they both "feel" good to run. obviously, we dont base it off feels, but im not sure im seeing much of a difference between running either currently

Kintsugi - 6.9K evasion
Dendrobrate - 4.6K evasion, but im almost at the 300 dex breakpoint, so tha modifier will give about a 1.5-2M DPS increase

im also aware that evasion does have "diminishing returns" so to speak, that after a certain number it doesnt help to continue stacking, but not sure what the number is

Main difference is: Kintsugi is more defensive and works well with Wind Dancer, whilst Dendrobate is for damage. So if you're ok with your damage but want more defense, take Kintsugi. If you want more damage, take Dendrobate. If you want bigger AoE + bigger explosions, get Carcass Jack. We're pretty flexible with our body armour - one of the few slots in this build ;-)

got it got it. so just a matter of preference. can you take a look at my passive tree and tell me how i can squeeze a little more out of the build if possible? if you have time that is

heres my POB https://pastebin.com/ddYR9Ta1
Now i'm a bit lost how to progress, really don't know what will be a good and big upgrade ...

Sorry, don't know how to link my items :C

Ok! So I made some suggested modifications and got the build running much better. I'm able to do 40% T16s at this point comfortably. How are we increasing survivability beyond that? I have thought about removing my curse/explodey chest and swapping in a Kintsugi so I don't get one shot as much since bossing is very hard ATM. Not sure if losing the extra curse or stacked explodey will hurt too much though.

Any other suggestions on changes or gear improvements? I feel like the rest of my gear is pretty solid but I'm sure I'm missing something because of how often I die.
anyone know what the best helm enchant and watchers eye would be? obv the poison immune, but whats the second or third mod?

and for the helm i see a lot of people using blade vortex duration. is that because the dmg mods dont scale? or is it the price difference keeping people?
Any1 tried this build with a HH? Is it viable?
Im trying to reroll from my toxin rain into that to reach my first 100 with HH.
kondzik39 wrote:
Any1 tried this build with a HH? Is it viable?
Im trying to reroll from my toxin rain into that to reach my first 100 with HH.

Viable - yes. Living up to a HHs full potential? With "small" changes. You can have a look at my profile, and a few pages back (~20 i guess), i wrote sth about this build and a Headhunter.

To quote myself:


First, a headhunter alone won't make Delirium 100% a cakewalk or so much easier as you think. ESPECIALLY on this build, you'd need to change a few things to make HH worth its while. We already have Eldritch Battery, that means every mod that buffs ES is absolutely useless to us. In addition, the mods "Gain 25% of physical as extra cold / fire / lightning damage" won't affect us because of Cold Iron Points. But if you replace the CIPs, you'll also lose +6 level to BV, which is A LOT of base damage. You'd need to get either two daggers with with +1 to spell skills and +1 to physical spell gems to kinda make up for the lost damage (one dagger costs 10ex+, since this isn't a crafting league), or you get a staff like i did. Good luck finding one, since this is not a crafting league... i paid 25ex for my staff.

Also, when you get a HH, you will need a few extra sources for resistances on this build, since we use a lot of uniques. Once again, this isn't Harvest anymore, so you won't be able to create perfect cluster jewels with awesome resistances. I had to switch the second circle of nostalgia ring to be able to run with my HH.

Tbh, i think the Fireblade-Version with BV is better suited for a HH, but it is way more expensive if you want to get good gear as far as i've seen. But if you manage to get your hands on two daggers or a staff like i have (did cost me 25ex though), it will be awesome.
Last edited by HornedTerrorist#5675 on Oct 21, 2020, 12:27:01 PM

Why isn't the Small and Medium Cluster Gem displayed in POB?
Horned, ty very much for all of your help!
Another question: what do you think about inspired learning?
Kiragai wrote:

Why isn't the Small and Medium Cluster Gem displayed in POB?

if you click on them they will "activate"

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