Don't spawn conquerors

i have 24 watchstones, i cannot spawn 25th conqueror boss. i have a blue area in my atlas and i completed at least 20 maps in this area. dont spawn boss. is that bug or something. what am i do ?
Last edited by Jatin_GGG#0000 on Feb 4, 2020, 10:13:05 PM
Last bumped on Feb 4, 2020, 10:14:42 PM
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I have 8 and same problem! Dose not matter how many or what tier maps you run the stupid thing is bugged and no one is responding to this issue! Folks are too busy to cry out loud how they can't run the game whit 4GB RAM!!!! At the same time the CORE new mechanic is so badly implemented that many of us can't enjoy due to it not working!
I've had some luck with switching hideout to unlock the issue but it still get stuck after a while and conqueror won't influence or the citadel (kirac mission) won't spawn aswell.
Last edited by Wiz_Liz#7408 on Dec 20, 2019, 5:34:09 PM
The hideout thing worked! Thanks for the info/solution!!! Wishing you a Mirror drop or two :D
Same here. Got 3 areas with not even 1!!!! watchstone - the other areas have got at least 3 watchstones socketed. I ran countless maps to get the first watchstone for the remaining areas - no success. This is quite annoying, if u run as lvl 90 char again and again tier 1 maps, just to force these stupid conquerors to spwan :(

Even the mentioned HO trick did not work :(


Patch notes for hot fix 3.9c say:

When hunting the Conquerors of the Atlas it will now always (instead of being chance-based) spawn them in Maps of that Region as long as you are running different Maps within that Region. This means you are now required to run three different Maps within a Region they are inhabiting, instead of an average of ten Maps (33% chance). Once you have defeated the final Conqueror it returns to chance-based spawning as you now have the highest tiers of maps unlocked. We will be making more changes to this which will allow you to repeatedly run the same map (instead of forcing different ones) later.

I just find one word: RIDICULOUS - this is the worst implementation of a content update since I started playing, years ago.

I started running maps from scratch. Run all maps in the areas with still no watchstone step by step - absolutely no spawn of these idiotic conquerors - TYVM. This is the best way to kill all fun while playing. Is this maybe the influence of TENCENT?
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." - Albert Einstein
Last edited by Hausgeist#5228 on Dec 22, 2019, 7:18:34 AM
Screw it, two days of influenced zone farming, spent like 2 exalts on buying t14-t16 maps - no sign of elderslayer itself.
ched_21h wrote:
Screw it, two days of influenced zone farming, spent like 2 exalts on buying t14-t16 maps - no sign of elderslayer itself.

and that bad its actually easy. i had like 6 times t15 port, I ran it once for spawn influ, second time and than 1 or 2 maps that are not port -> ez watchstone there
soooo the conquerer wont spawn bug hit me too... "New Vastir" is influenced but running maps in this area, wont let the conquerer spawn. I had the same issue with the area of "Lex Ejoris" but a hideout swap solve the problem, tho i didnt get the notice of the Exile, while running maps, like they usualy do, when an area is influenced. Im at Awakening level 5 atm. Someone got a solution how to fix this?. Hideout swaps wont work anymore, swaped through all of them and run like 20+ maps already with no spawn ... Never had so many issues at the start of an league like currently. This is the cherry topping right here... What a shame...

greetz IcyToTheShot 92 Deadeye
Last edited by Sahadram#3075 on Dec 23, 2019, 11:26:55 AM
okay, this may be a complete coincidence, but i too have been stuck for quite some time. Pretty sure it happened when i got all my remaining zones to "requires 4 watchstones.

Progression started once i CORRUPTED the maps. it doesnt say to do this anywhere, i chanced upon it but it started working. may or may not help. Gl exiles - my guess is that GGG may have expected people to corrupt them for the atlas completion, just forgot to mention it to everyone idk
Last edited by Jumbozo#1224 on Dec 23, 2019, 1:18:06 PM
I had a similar issue going after my 29th Watchstone (and after spawning 3 conquerors - needing a 4th before Sirus spawn). The Conqueror spawned in the region within the first 3 maps, then i ran another 45-50 maps in the region. I ran every single map in the region and never ran the same map twice in a row.

I'm speculating that this might have been caused by the Betrayal Syndicate boss spawn being available, but I'm not 100% sure. I had the Syndicate Final Boss spawn very early on in this particular farm session, but I can't be precisely sure at which point it spawned.

The course of events was:
- ran 3 maps in the desired region and got the conqueror to spawn twice
- ran 45-50 region maps after the 2nd Conqueror encounter in the region
- ran the Betrayal Boss
- ran my final region map (no spawn)
- ran 3 maps in different regions to farm more maps for the given region
- ran another region map and got the 3rd and final spawn

All speculation of course, but I spawned and hit 3 encounters with each of the previous 3 conquerors in the first 5 maps of their influenced regions.

Maybe we can gather more data if you have uncompleted Alva or Jun Temples/Safehouses. Or maybe we are just really really really unlucky.
Last edited by Reverberategts#1269 on Dec 23, 2019, 5:22:26 PM

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