What is awakeining level?
i agree that putting the number on a new line is pretty stupid and is easy to miss if you dont know
" OK ? Now tell me how DO I GET THE NEW MAPS ! I enter a watchstone, maps upgrade to 1-2-3 tiers higher, MAPS that i have NONE I HAVE TO BUY THEM....atlas is aboslutly broken like time jew system...they made it again so u don't know what to do except trade to progress.....maps don't even drop, and when they do they drop 3 tiers lower, not 1 higher.... And about the thread's subject...that number had all the space in the universe to be on the same line of text....but u know...they have to show they like to ruin their game...i don't see anything nice in making things missleading and scrambled...ish...hard to see at 1st, 2nd or 3rd time.... And anyone who knows anything about virtual design will now 100% they did it on purpose...u don't just put 1 single digit on a single text row...that is just...i bet the program wanted to corect the designer and put it on the same row...but they changed... It's just....straight out make things hard to understand and actually DO them.... "Wait a minute...i did the map, i have awakened level enabled, it was t14...but why didnt i get the bonus...ok let's do it again..and again...bug ?.....ooooooooooooooooooo wait wait OMG...there's an almost transparent number under the actual atlas bonus text...wouldn't you know it....i wasted 3 red maps at start of cause they don't drop, and u can't sustain...i have to go back and farm lower, make currency and BUY THEM casue the DONT DROP... Please tell me what wiki/info solved that... 🎥 Twitch -
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