The Polaris Mystery Box

it s kind of ugly, MEcha design stuff in poe
Forum pvp
woooow ! my fav
Sorry but honestly it´s such a boring design. It´s just an uncreative theme this yingyang/goodbad/blackwhite thing. It remembers me in some kind of cheap pay to win game with generic animedesign.
The combined armor looks ok-ish, but gambling till i get all of it is too much, considering i didnt get a single rare armor part in what, almost 18 boxes (had some unused points remaining from core packs).
Better wait when it comes to the store.

Also, the dragons are absolutely ridiculous, they are the size of my character EACH, and i am barb. So having two of these flying around, well, i can't see shit. I don't understand why they made them this big.

So, imagine 3-4 people with this shiny armor, huge shiny wings, these radiant footsteps AND two dragons in the same town...
GGG, at some point there will be too much mtx bloat, and i think we're almost at that point.

Instead of making this preposterously shiny, and let's be honest, uncreative pieces of mtx, please try harder and make something more creative and interesting.
Last edited by alexlucas#1391 on Dec 15, 2019, 4:09:17 PM
No more money until I get all the maps back you took from me -_-
This is very cool!
Bought a couple cause I had points laying arround wanted the common Rat Pet's and maybe the Herald what I got from 7 Boxes was the Black Armor set Gloves ,Boots and Body Armor aswell as the Black Weapon. xD

The last 3 Boxes gave me the White Body Armor ,Black Character Effect and 1 of the Statue thingys.

As you can see I got mostly Rares but not 1 Rat or Herald rofl.
15 boxs,450 points =
3 dragons
1 Black Wings
1 White Rat Pet
1 White Environment Decoration
1 Black Building Supplies
1 White Statue
1 White Herald Effect
1 Black Boots
1 White Portal
1 Black Weapon Effect
1 Black Character Effect
1 Black Cloak
1 White Building Supplies
got 4 rats in 15 box, LOL

why you had to make such a amazing looking MTX's :((((

My wallet cries already
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.

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