[3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content
" I am also wondering this. Nobody I ask seems to know. |
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Is there a way to improve single target dps for bosses?
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My thoughts on the 3.10 Patch Notes. I also added this to the main post.
The core build is untouched - Ice Nova, Frostbolt, Hierophant, etc. have not been buffed or nerfed. But there are several things that may affect us. * Arcane Cloak: "Consumes a portion of your mana to gain a buff that can take a percent of damage from hits for you before being depleted. While the buff is active, you gain additional lightning damage based on the amount of mana consumed as part of the skill's effect. Shares a cooldown with other Guard skills." Could replace Steelskin for us, have to wait to see the exact numbers. * Second Wind Support: "Adds an additional cooldown use to supported skills, and grants those skills increased cooldown recovery rate." Might be worth linking this to Flame Dash with the CDR nerf. * Visual upgrades: "Arctic Breath, Caustic Arrow, Frost Blades, Ice Nova, Molten Shell, Molten Strike and Scorching Ray have had visual upgrades." Might be good or bad depending on screen clutter. - Flame Dash nerfs: "The increased Cooldown Recovery Speed this skill gains as it levels up has been lowered. It now gains up to 47% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed by gem level 20 (from 76%). Now gains 1% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed per 2% gem quality (from 1% increased Cooldown Recovery per 1% gem quality)." CDR nerf to Flame Dash. - Precision nerf: "Now grants 20% increased Critical Strike Chance to you and nearby allies at gem level 1 (from 40%), up to 58% at gem level 20 (from 59%)." Nerf to Level 1 Precision. + Enigmatic Reach buff: "Now grants 10% increased Attack Speed with Staves (from 8%) and 10% increased Cast Speed while Wielding a Staff (from 8%). The small passive immediately preceding it now grants 8% increased Area of Effect while wielding a Staff (from 6%). Slight buff; Enigmatic Reach node is now higher priority. - Enduring flask nerf: "The 'Enduring' modifier on mana flasks now has 30% reduced duration (from 25%) and now also has 30% reduced Amount Recovered." Slight mana recovery nerf. Might be annoying for Omeyocan (Delve) build but hardly noticeable otherwise. - Xopec's nerf: "The 'Xopec's' modifiers can no longer appear on boots, gloves or helmets." Xopec was the +70 Mana/+10% Max Mana mod. Its removal will make it harder to match Mana to Life. It wasn't necessary though; for example, the Premium Build didn't have any Xopec mods. * Fossil/Influence changes: "Shaper Influenced helmets can now gain 'Nearby Enemies take increased Elemental Damage'. Fossils can no longer craft any prefix or suffix mods that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Helmet: Nearby Enemies have -x% Cold Resistance (now from Redeemer's Influence). Belt: Increased Chaos Damage (now from Hunter's Influence). For helmets: not much changed, actually - just make sure to fossilcraft on a Hunter or Hunter/Shaper base. (We'll have to wait and see the exact value on that Shaper mod.) For belts: the success rate of Hunter prefix slamming is nerfed, but it will definitely still be worth trying. - Soul Ripper nerf: "Soul Ripper has been reworked. It now has -40 to +90 maximum charges and consumes maximum charges on use, granting Vaal Souls equal to the consumed charges. It now loses all charges on entering a new area." Soul Ripper no longer an option for Delve build. Doesn't affect other builds. + Avoid Elemental Ailments nerf: "The 'Monsters Avoid Elemental Ailments' map modifier now grants monsters 30/50/70% chance to avoid Elemental Ailments (from 30/60/90) depending on the map tier." This is great for us. Since it can't reach 100% chance even with all Awakening objectives done, our Cold Snap can always chill on these maps. * Greater Spell Echo bugfix: "Fixed a bug which caused skills with damaging effects that were disconnected from the initial skill use (such as Molten Strike, Fire Storm, Wild Strike, and a number of others) which were supported by effects that triggered multiple successive uses of the skill (Multistrike, Greater Spell Echo and Unleash) to not apply the support gem's damage penalty or enhancement to those delayed effects, or even to the successive skill uses. This resulted in less damage being dealt by several skills when supported by Multistrike than they were intended to deal, and more damage by skills supported by Greater Spell Echo and Unleash." I would assume this doesn't affect us, but I can't say for sure. (1) Ice Nova is the most popular skill for GSE, they probably would've mentioned it if it did affect us. (2) Ice Nova echoes on Frostbolt are coded specially, unlike the other examples they gave, so it's likely that it wasn't bugged to begin with. (3) You can tell that the "increased area per repeat" part of GSE does work, so it's likely that the "damage per repeat" part works properly as well. (4) GSE and Multistrike deal more damage on repeats while Unleash deals less, so I'm not sure why they grouped GSE/Unleash together and Multistrike separately in this note. |
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is there any skill tree post or pic ? :) would be so awesome! thanks for that nice Build i'll give it a try in delirium
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hows the levelling skill tree? from left to right? would be great if theres a levelling build as well
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" I leveled with this build last patch. I'm pretty casual and this was the best leveling experience that I ever had. Take the budget build and search for cast speed. Path to all of those nodes first (I picked up MoM as I passed it. Clarity makes this easy.). Use holy flame totem for bosses. Whatever you want for aoe clearing (I just used frostbolt) When you get ice nova, you can start using that + frostbolt for increased damage on bosses while a safe distance away, and then the moment that you get spell echo, switch to just using spell echo ice nova (with whatever you can add to boost damage) + frostbolt. As soon as I hit that point, leveling was a walk in the park and I finished the acts while undergeared (negative resists in some places) and pick up Pledge of Hands as soon as possible (Worth getting 4 link or even 3 link and upgrading to 5link/6link when you can) |
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" Watch the video? Single target damage for bosses is already at omfg levels. Idk why you want to increase them higher than that? |
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" No. The majority of the damage comes from ice nova. Linking both Ice Nova and Frostbolt to the same gem (And only having 1? increased damage thing or arcane surge) would be terrible. It's much better to continue to cast frostbolt and then spamming Ice Nova as much as you can with just ice nova. The damage is already fantastic. Pledge of Hands just makes it to absurd levels. |
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Would you consider this HC viable?
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" And you cant queue it anymore, thats the real nerf. |
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