3.9| Stress-Free PoE - SLOW-MO ZOMBIES |SSF the Atlas w/ 1 Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

Pip_n_Tip wrote:

Yes, not saying to remove spectres from shield, move carrion golem to shield in place of minion life.

No, it used for the 'additional physical damage to non-golem minions'.
And also, extra minion just cause.
But that added physical damage to all your other minions is just super supreme with extra pepperoni. Especially if you get your Carrion up in levels to increase that. That is the ONLY thing we are looking at unless one is doing a golem main build.

I read alot of crap about PoB in other threads. It can be very wonky(?) with minion builds if not done correctly and most are using 'fork' now. Whatever the hell that is.
IMO, one can just tell by running through maps if DPS is up. That's my PoB. :)

Ok thanks so much for this Pip

I change this out and Carrion Golems only died once, but so did a Spectre and a Zombie and me.

It was a tough map t14 and I was doing a Al-Hezmin, the Hunter Conquer mission on it. There was a lot of other Archers on there using Toxic Rain and other Chaos damage.

I was getting one hit by this guy not by him but his snake hits and dang chaos damage. So yeah I guess I need to fix that ASAP.

Skeletons did well. I removed Feeding Frenzy and Mutli-stike. I added in Melee Physical, Minion Damage, Minion Speed. They moved around nicely still and had no issues taking out anything. PoB shows my Skeleton dmg at 121k I went out and bought all 20/20 gems for them.

Again thanks for the advise.

Edit: I think I will anoint my amulet with Cleansed Thoughts but that dang Golden Oil is going to be expensive to get. Not sure what else to anoint it with since I have all the Minion Damage nodes. First I will get new Amethyst rings with life, dex, chaos and light resistance on them. Hopefully they will be cheaper then the golden Oil, they should be.

Last edited by ArcadeCanuck#8649 on Jan 29, 2020, 11:21:33 AM
Kingx wrote:
hello: i am having prob. getting more watchstones (got 22 all socketed).
i have been running maps for 4 days tr14+ and i cant trigger a region.
i have the 4 corners and glennach completed. any ideas what am i doing wrong?

Sorry Kingx!

I don't know the secret to spawn the Conquerors. I hear a lot of people are having a hard time guessing how it works in the latter half of the Atlas Missions.

When I know it perfectly, I'll let you know.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

Sounds like you need to work your way into Grave Intentions in your skill tree.

You are so close.
Move 3 points around and grab the Grave Intentions nodes ASAP. That should stop your minions from dying.
Plus it gives your minions Unholy Might.

I believe your quality of life will improve.
Last edited by TheStabbie#6805 on Jan 29, 2020, 12:43:31 PM
Ninjah Monkey wrote:
I'm having problems with having ball lightning cast when damage taken. I've got a pair of boots socketed B-B-B-R so I've placed in it Enfeeble-Curse on cast-Ball lightning-CwDt.
I'm not seeing the ball lightning proc? I've taken the CwDt gem out to manually cast ball lightning at the moment. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I've locked all the gems to be under Lvl 38 as well for CwDt to trigger. Do I need the sockets to be R-B-B-B or does that not matter?
Hey Ninjah Monkey!

The order of your CwDT gems does not matter. Your CwDT should be casting your Ball Lightning as is. However, your Curse on Hit Support and Enfeeble can be levelled all the way up to 20. It might just be that you're not getting hit very often. It should be working as is. Sometimes CwDT spells are just harder to see cause we're used to ignoring them. Once the other two gems are over the level 38 threshold, see if you notice a difference. Let us know if the problem persists.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
@the atlas and maps

I really wish this part of the game was not RNG. I like the new atlas after initially not liking it at all.
But getting the bosses to spawn is a pain the ass. I have all watchstones, fully awakened but it is such a grind to keep trying maps to kick off the boss encounters sometimes.
Wish they would just set it to 'play any 3 different maps of region and spawn boss portal'. Period.

Oh well.
Zombie on anyway!
Pip_n_Tip wrote:

Sounds like you need to work your way into Grave Intentions in your skill tree.

You are so close.
Move 3 points around and grab the Grave Intentions nodes ASAP. That should stop your minions from dying.
Plus it gives your minions Unholy Might.

I believe your quality of life will improve.

I want to work on my life first. I want to get to 90 I am at 88 now and if I keep dying as it is I will never get there.

But I will get those nodes when I can. Maybe I will split the difference with the nodes I will refund and give 2 over there at Grave Intentions and 3 to me for life and Chaos resistance, or get it and then only 2 to me.

Also I need to find that last trial and get the Bone Barrier Ascendancy.
That would also help with my minion survival.
x Peleus x wrote:

Also I need to find that last trial and get the Bone Barrier Ascendancy.
That would also help with my minion survival.

L. O. L. Yea I did not notice that. First order of business for you.
Get that, put on easiest button to click and never stop slamming it.
THAT will help you the most by far.
Pip_n_Tip wrote:
x Peleus x wrote:

Also I need to find that last trial and get the Bone Barrier Ascendancy.
That would also help with my minion survival.

L. O. L. Yea I did not notice that. First order of business for you.
Get that, put on easiest button to click and never stop slamming it.
THAT will help you the most by far.

Ok well I got myself set up on Chaos resistance.

Currently at 60%, and with getting another 8% from the Chaos Resistance and life nodes I am going for. Plus the use of Atziri's flask at 35% resistance I think I am GtG

Found out that All Resistance does not mean all it is just the main 3. It does not add to chaos resistance. But I can fix this with one of my rings as it only has 18% chaos on it. But that will come later.

I fought Al-Hezmin last night. I died on the map, was kinda not paying attention. The map boss took a bit longer then I hoped, but I think it had to do with Al-Hezmin influence on the map t14 Shipyard. I go to fight Al-Hezmin, and I die, again not paying attention but more of not using my Atziri flask and standing still.

What did I say in an earlier post (ABM) Always Be Moving.

So I go back in and do everything proper and he goes down. 16 Watchstones now.

I was going to ask if I should go Mistress of Sacrifice and Spirit Offering or Bone Barrier for Bone Armor and was looking at the Bone Armor skill and that gives me 2209 in damage mitigation, and I can spam that every 3 secs. Also how does this work, is it Bone Barrier first, then ES, then life. Or ES, Bone Barrier, Life. Not sure who is protecting who in this line up.

Plus it is only one extra button push where the Offering is at least 3 for me on Xbox and using a controller.

Guess now it is saving up currency and taking my time with the Atlas and not rushing maps. Take it nice and easy. Also need to look at min-maxing gear soon.

So thanks again for the help in this.

Last edited by ArcadeCanuck#8649 on Jan 30, 2020, 8:43:07 AM
70% Bone armor up to 2209, the other 30% is es, then life. UNLESS it is chaos damage, then Bone armor/life.
Bone armor is awesome, first I thought all the ads in Bone Barrier only applied during bone armor, then I realized they are permanent ads and bone armor is it's own awesome thing! Don't forget about the invaluable FREE Bleed removal!
From the Wiki:
Applies a buff to you and each of your minions, which will take some of the damage from enemy hits before being depleted. The buff also grants immunity to bleeding. Shares a cooldown with other Guard skills.
70% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before your Life or Energy Shield
Buff can take 2209 Damage
This Skill's Cooldown does not recover during its effect
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
Last edited by GrunkleBob#2230 on Jan 30, 2020, 10:21:50 AM
GrunkleBob wrote:
70% Bone armor up to 2209, the other 30% is es, then life. UNLESS it is chaos damage, then Bone armor/life.
Bone armor is awesome, first I thought all the ads in Bone Barrier only applied during bone armor, then I realized they are permanent ads and bone armor is it's own awesome thing! Don't forget about the invaluable FREE Bleed removal!
From the Wiki:
Applies a buff to you and each of your minions, which will take some of the damage from enemy hits before being depleted. The buff also grants immunity to bleeding. Shares a cooldown with other Guard skills.
70% of Damage from Hits is taken from the Buff before your Life or Energy Shield
Buff can take 2209 Damage
This Skill's Cooldown does not recover during its effect

Ah ok, I glossed over that line on the wiki.

So it would be 70% of the damage taken is going to bone armor first the other 30% is going to go to ES if you have it, if no ES then that 30% is going to your life.

So 2209 is around 70% of 3150 (2205).

Oh I compared it to other Guard skills and it is basically the Necro's version of Steel Skin.

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